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 Danemark | Il y a quelque chose de pourri au royaume du Danemark. (Hamlet I, 4)

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Danemark / Søren

Danemark / Søren

admin à la hache
Messages : 297
Date d'inscription : 13/12/2013
Localisation : I ♥ CPH

Danemark | Il y a quelque chose de pourri au royaume du Danemark. (Hamlet I, 4) Empty
MessageSujet: Danemark | Il y a quelque chose de pourri au royaume du Danemark. (Hamlet I, 4)   Danemark | Il y a quelque chose de pourri au royaume du Danemark. (Hamlet I, 4) EmptyDim 15 Déc - 21:31

Kongeriget Danmark

Informations basiques

Prénom(s) : Søren
Nom : Jensen
Âge : entre 20 et 25 ans
Nation représentée : le Royaume du Danemark (ou Kongeriget Danmark en danois)
Avatar : monseigneur lui-même
Rang : The King in the North (ou le gardien des âmes perdues, le puissant, l'agréable, l'indestructible, S.A.R Sérénissime Danemark)
Caractéristiques physiques : il est coiffé comme un pétard
Relations : Norvège, Islande, Finlande, Suède, Angleterre, Ecosse, Allemagne, France, Prusse, Autriche, Pays-Bas, (Groenland, Féroés)


On ne passera pas par quatre chemins pour décrire l'Être entier qu'est Søren, le Danemark et son peuple. Borné. C'est sans doute le trait de caractère qui domine chez lui. Chaque décision prise est effective et indéfectible qu'importe les arguments qu'on peut lui soumettre. Il a su faire des concessions avec le temps mais rien de bien notable. Péremptoire, c'est le mot exact. Et le Roi du Nord ne s'attend à aucune objection de la part de personne sous peine de représailles. On peut le traiter d'idiot, de crétin, de stupide, qu'importe. Quand il l'a décidé, il l'a décidé. Il est le Roi non ? Oui, parce que Søren aime se croire au-dessus des autres, donner des ordres parce qu'il est persuadé du bon fondé de son comportement, au point que toute opposition le rend passablement violent (Joffrey Baratheon is that u ?). Impulsif le danois ? Pas qu'un peu. Il se fiche des conséquences de ses actes au point que foncer dans le tas sans réfléchir est son sport préféré. Et il se foire littéralement à chaque fois, ou se foirait littéralement à chaque fois. C'est sans doute ses cassages de gueules intempestifs qui le rendent si con qu'une mule et aussi inconscient du danger qu'un moineau. Il lui arrive parfois de repenser au temps d'Harald à la Dent Bleue - shooté aux myrtilles -, du temps où son Empire s'étendait sur l'Irlande, l'Angleterre, l'Ecosse, l'Islande, la France et même jusqu'à l'Italie. Cette nostalgie le dévore quelque peu lorsqu'il revit dans sa mémoire les temps de guerre et l'époque où le Danemark était si puissant qu'il rivalisait de taille avec les plus grandes nations - sans oublier qu'à chaque fois qu'il engageait une guerre, il se vautrait lamentablement dans ses propres lacets. La Scandinavie est teintée de quinze siècles du sang du Danemark. Nombreuses sont les cicatrices qui ornent son corps mais peu sont ceux qui en connaissent vraiment l'Histoire et Søren se plait de façon malsaine à les regarder et à ressasser dans son esprit un passé plus que révolu.

On ne peut pas parler de ses cicatrices sans évoquer les guerres qui les ont faites. L'esprit du Danemark est forgé dans le sang, les tripes et la boue. Par sa connerie, il a réussi à enchainer les défaites. De sa péremptoirité est née la désillusion. Comme dit plus haut, le danois vit seul dans un empire en miettes et chaque défaite a ajouté un peu plus de lâcheté à son trône. Søren refuse tout bonnement de croire qu'il a fait couler le sang de son peuple au point de l'en avoir presque asséché. A chaque combat, l'erreur est telle qu'il s'en mord tout simplement les doigts, même encore aujourd'hui. Son Être intérieur est tellement déchiré par les remords de décisions mal prises qu'il n'en laisse rien transparaitre, masqué à coup de sourires taquins et voilage de face. Le Danemark est loin d'être un modèle en tout et vit quelque peu à côté des réalités.

De cette Histoire découle son Être tout entier. Si Søren est borné comme un germanique, il en est tout autant susceptible. La moindre remarque ou critique - constructive ou non - le met hors de ses gonds et c'est plus souvent son poing qui s'abat sur le pauvre hère qui a osé l'ouvrir que sa propre voix qui se manifeste. Le danois a du mal à se contrôler et regrette généralement son geste après coup. Il ne contient pas ses émotions - colère, joie, déception, qu'importe - et c'est plus souvent une réaction au quart de tour qui fuse. Colérique ? Pas qu'un peu. S.A.R le Danemark se plait à se trouver parfait et sans défaut et c'est de manière plus que directe qu'il se manifeste. Dans le genre franc du collier, on ne fait pas mieux en Scandinavie. Il n'hésite pas à le dire quand quelque chose ne lui plait pas et il s'attend généralement à ce qu'on se calque sur lui. Si tel n'est pas le cas, il se fera un plaisir d'écraser la concurrence, bien comme il faut et avec le sourire. Honnête avec les autres, il ne l'est pourtant pas avec lui-même et c'est ce qui le rend si spécial quand on ne le côtoie qu'une fois tous les trente-six ans. Le Danemark est loin d'être idiot même si beaucoup pense le contraire. Sous son air d'imbécile fini se cache une Nation émotive qui ne se remettra jamais en question. Rancunier ? Oh que oui, mais pas avec tout le monde. Cela dépend à quelle époque on se place, mais c'est le plus souvent sur les cafards de nationalité suédoise qu'il aime se défouler. Quand on n’aime pas, on ne compte pas les coups et on le lui rend bien.

Dans le pack "Défauts", on notera également la tendance de Søren a être fier de lui plus que de raison. Il est fier de son peuple, de sa culture, son Histoire, de tout ce qui le fait Lui. Le supporter n'est pas mince à faire car cet amour-propre infini le rend tout simplement orgueilleux et vantard. Son pays est le meilleur du monde et même les allemands n'oseront pas dire le contraire. Ses fanfaronnades chauvines le rendent invivable. Søren demande tellement des autres qu'il est presque impossible de le satisfaire - sauf si vous êtes norvégien et que vous avez une pizza, une bière et un canapé confortable. Il est exigeant comme le Roi qu'il se croit être, capricieux comme un vrai gamin pourri gâté qui se met des œillères pour mieux oublier les personnes qui l'entourent. Les siècles de guerres qui l'ont construit l'on rendu imperméable à l'existence des autres et il aborde la vie avec un tel égocentrisme royal qu'il lui est impossible de faire équipe avec quelqu'un d'autre que lui-même. Il en oublierait parfois, d'ailleurs, la scène mondiale sur laquelle il ne joue pas un rôle important en tant que "Danemark". Même l'Union Européenne le voit comme le Vilain Petit Canard et c'est sans étonnement qu'on remarque généralement Søren tourner le dos au Parlement Européen, préférant nettement la compagnie nordique dans son Conseil que celle des Nations qui ne veulent pas qu'il soit le centre d'attention.

Avec tout ça, on en oublierait que le Danemark est la patrie du lego et des pâtisseries. Oui, Søren est du genre gamin avec toute la connerie de l'enfance et de l'adolescence. On a du mal à croire qu'il soit aussi vieux quand on voit ce qu'il est capable de faire. Il est du genre à se permettre tout et n'importe quoi : du lâché de lego sur le sol pour que ses ennemis marchent dessus aux batailles de peinture en passant par "mattage du vestiaire de ces dames". Et quand il prépare ses bêtises, c'est avec minutie, patience et concentration - tant de choses dont on le croyait tout bonnement incapable - au point qu'il hurle si on le dérange. A cela, il faut ajouter le potentiel casse-burnes du gars qui ne sait pas s'arrêter quand il faut et le potentiel lourdingue de ses blagues pour lesquelles il s'esclaffe comme un malpropre - du genre "Ouvre la bouche et serre les fesses" - qu'il énonce avec tellement d'excitation qu'on en oublierait où il veut en venir. Oui, parce que le danois a de l'humour. Gamin, noir, glauque, raciste, il rigole de tout et n'importe quoi et ce n'est pas de sa faute si certains n'en ont pas et veulent lui faire la peau pour une pauvre caricature - y'a des gens qui savent pas rigoler, mais cela ne le rend pas moins tolérant pour autant. En plus de ses conneries, le danois est joueur. Il aime provoquer, s'amuser, s'éclater de ta life mais du genre bien comme il faut, tant qu'il gagne. Mauvais joueur, il boude quand rien ne va dans son sens, pire encore lorsqu'il s'agit de supporter une Olsen Banden ou une équipe de Hand' qui n'arrive à rien - ok, il est plus derrière l'équipe de Guðmundsson que celle de Olsen. ll avoue.

Et comme tout germanique qui se doit, le Danemark est un grand con doublé d'un alcoolique notoire. On ne pourra pas l'en empêcher, il aime boire - de la Carlsberg surtout - à toute heure du jour et de la nuit. Plus il finit mal, meilleure était la soirée. On ne comptera pas non plus les concours à la con qu'il peut s'auto-faire ou avec Gilbert et Pays-Bas. Oui parce que malgré son caractère de merde, Søren a des amis. Si si. Ça n'a pas été toujours rose mais il sait qu'il peut compter sur eux pour enchainer les pintes et les conneries de poivrots. A cela, il faudra ajouter le côté "un peu à côté de la plaque mais je me soigne" du danois. Quand on lui dit quelque chose, il y croit avec tellement de conviction - du style "super motivé de la life" - que ça en devient dur de le faire changer d'avis. La plupart du temps, cela se finit en pure déception avec combo boudage, mais cela ne dure jamais très longtemps - du genre deux semaines si on lui dit que "non Søren, Julemanden n'existe pas, c'est une invention d'Alfred". Ah oui, on en oublierait aussi que le danois est du genre bon vivant. Quand il est invité, il fait honneur à la cuisinière (ou au cuisinier). Il aime faire passer la boisson en mangeant et il y a peu d'aliments qu'il n'aime pas. Le viking est le type de gars qui fait la poubelle de table. Son côté fêtard contraste nettement avec son envie - moderne - de soirées au calme avec des amis au coin d'un feu. Pour ça d'ailleurs il a un mot intraduisible : hygge. A ça, on ajoutera son côté écolo' à la sauce recyclage des morts pour en faire du combustible et son âme de "total freedom et tolérance dans Ørstedparken tant que vous mettez une capote, bandes de coquinous".

Un petit bout d'Histoire

December 1964,
København, Danmark

„Men da kastede hun den langt ud i Bølgerne, de skinnede røde, hvor den faldt, det saae ud, som piblede der Blodsdraaber op af Vandet. Endnu engang saae hun med halvbrustne Blik paa Prindsen, styrtede sig fra Skibet ned i Havet, og hun følte, hvor hendes Legeme opløste sig i Skum.“
- Hans Christian Andersen, Den Lille Havfrue

Le bronze te va si bien. Mais le bleu de l’océan te va tellement mieux.

Il appuya ses coudes contre la rambarde de fer. Face à la mer, le vent teinté d’iode était glacé et anesthésiait doucement le bout de son nez qui dépassait de son écharpe. Il était venu au petit matin, juste pour elle, juste pour la voir.

Souvent, elle lui parlait de la mer.
Souvent, il lui parlait des temps anciens. Ce temps où les vikings parcouraient les océans.

Cependant, aujourd’hui était différent.

Tu te souviens quand c’est arrivé ?
Tu te souviens, du 25 avril ? Je pense que oui. Tout le monde s’en souvient.

Du jour au lendemain, tu as perdu ta tête. Volée. Strøget, Nyhavn, Tivoli, on a cherché pendant des mois. Tu le savais ? Alors on t’en a fait une autre, identique. Ce n’est peut-être pas l’originale mais on espère sincèrement que celle-ci te convient.

Tu l’aimes bien ? Moi je trouve que tu es encore plus belle maintenant. Ne te fâche pas, je n’ai pas dit que tu étais hideuse. C’est juste que c’est mieux. Désolé, je n’ai jamais su m’expliquer. C’est que c’est difficile, tu sais.

Il sourit avec un air de crétin. Il regardait son visage figé dans une expression de mélancolie. Le coin de ses lèvres s’assombrit.

Tu as l’air si triste. Tu te sens seule ?
- Nej. Mange mennesker kommer til at se mig.
(Non. Pleins de gens viennent me voir)
Arrête de mentir, je sais que tu es triste. Quelque chose ne va pas ?
- Jeg vil gerne gå tilbage til havet.
(Je voudrais retourner dans l’océan.)
Les yeux du danois trahissaient la profonde brisure qui venait apparaître dans son cœur.

Pourquoi tu me dis ça. Je ne suis pas assez bien pour toi peut-être ? Si c’est le cas, dis-moi ce qu’il faut faire au lieu de me dire des choses si cruelles.
- Jeg sagde ikke at. Jeg ønsker ikke at lide længere. Du forstår ?
(Ce n’est pas ce que j’ai dit. Je ne veux plus subir ce genre de chose. Tu comprends ?)
Non, je ne comprends pas.

Elle resta silencieuse. L’écume moussait au pied du rocher où elle était assise. Son rocher. Ce n’était pas par hasard qu’on l’avait mise là, face à la ville. Elle tournait le dos à l’océan. Elle tournait le dos aux siens, comme lui, l’avait fait auparavant.

Sa gorge se serra.

Puis cette voix venant du fond de la mer revînt. Douce et inquiète :
- Søren, du græder ?
(Søren, tu pleures ?)
Hein ?

Il sentit le goût salé de la mer au coin de ses lèvres. Il ne la croyait pourtant toujours pas. Il essuya ses joues avec la manche de son manteau. Ce n’était pas dans son habitude de verser des larmes, et pourtant elles coulaient. Glacées.

Il sourit à nouveau, cachant ce bouleversement pourtant clair comme cet océan.

Reste, je t’en prie.

Il l’entendit soupirer, puis le bruit des vagues se brisant sur son rocher.

« Alors, tout à coup, elle le lança au loin dans les vagues qui rougirent à l'endroit où il toucha les flots comme si des gouttes de sang jaillissaient à la surface. Une dernière fois, les yeux voilés, elle contempla le prince et se jeta dans la mer où elle sentit son corps se dissoudre en écume. »
- Hans Christian Andersen, La Petite Sirène


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Danemark / Søren

Danemark / Søren

admin à la hache
Messages : 297
Date d'inscription : 13/12/2013
Localisation : I ♥ CPH

Danemark | Il y a quelque chose de pourri au royaume du Danemark. (Hamlet I, 4) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Danemark | Il y a quelque chose de pourri au royaume du Danemark. (Hamlet I, 4)   Danemark | Il y a quelque chose de pourri au royaume du Danemark. (Hamlet I, 4) EmptyDim 15 Déc - 22:36

Frise chronologique (1/2)

9000BC-4000BC The finest record of Mesolithic and Neolithic peoples exists in Denmark, due to the country’s numerous bogs.
(PacDis, Winter/’97, p.9)

c7,000BC Early Danish Mesolithic: In the Maglemose culture large amber pendants were hardly changed.
(PacDis, Winter/’97, p.8)

2400BC-1500BC Late Danish Neolithic: In the Ertebolle Culture amber pendants were shaped as animals. This includes the Dagger Period of Northern Europe.
(PacDis, Winter/’97, p.8)(

400-500 During this period the Jutes of Jutland, at the northern tip of the Danish peninsula, migrated to Britain as part of a Germanic invasion. The notion that they settled in what is now Kent and the Isle of Wight, as is recorded by Anglo-Saxon chronicler Bede the Venerable, has been confirmed by archaeological evidence.
(HNQ, 10/7/00)

700-800 Vikings settled the Faeroe Islands in the 8th century replacing Irish settlers. In 1948 the group of 18 islands, located between Britain and Iceland, became an autonomous region of Denmark.
(SSFC, 7/29/07, p.G8)(

800-900 In Scandinavia Futhark evolved around the 9th century. Instead of 24 letters, the Scandinavian "Younger" Futhark had 16 letters. In England, Anglo-Saxon Futhorc started to be replaced by the Latin alphabet by the 9th century, and did not survive much more past the Norman Conquest. Futhark continued to be used in Scandinavia for centuries longer, but by 1600 CE, it had become nothing more than curiosities among scholars and antiquarians.

870 Dec 31, Skirmish at Englefield. Ethelred of Wessex beat back a Danish invasion army.
(MC, 12/31/01)

871 Jan 4, Ethelred of Wessex was defeated by Danish forces at Reading.
(PCh, 1992, p.72)

871 Jan 8, Ethelred of Wessex defeated the Danish forces at Ashdown.
(PCh, 1992, p.72)

871 Mar 2, Battle at Marton: Ethelred van Wessex (d.871) beat the Danish invasion army. Ethelred died in April and his brother Alfred (22) took over. Alfred became Alfred the Great and ruled until 899.
(PCh, 1992, p.72)(SC, 3/2/02)

878 King Alfred faced the invading Danes. In 1911 G.K. Chesterton authored the historical novel “The Ballad of the White Horse” set in England during this time.
(SSFC, 4/22/07, p.P10)

959 The Viking (Danish) ruler Gorm the Old, the father of Harald Bluetooth, died.
(AM, 11/00, p.21)

959-987 Harald Bluetooth, or Harald Blatand, 10th-century king of Denmark, attributed to himself the unification of Denmark and the Christianization of the Danes. He also conquered Norway and raided Normandy. He was later invaded and defeated by German emperor Otto II.
(HNQ, 9/3/98)(AM, 11/00, p.21)

960 Denmark's King Harald Bluetooth was baptized.
(Econ, 6/28/03, p.55)

979-1016 Aethelred II, the Unrede (Unready), ruled over England. He attempted to buy peace from Scandinavian invaders and called for England’s 1st general tax, the Danegeld. Some 140,000 pounds of silver was paid in tribute.
(WSJ, 5/24/01, p.A20)

991 Aug 11, Danes under Olaf Tryggvason killed Ealdorman Brihtnoth and defeated the Saxons at Maldon.
(HN, 8/10/98)

1002 Nov 13, English king Ethelred II launched a massacre of Danish settlers.

1014 Feb 3, Sweyn Forkbeard (b.960), Danish-born Viking king of England (1013-14), died.

1014 Apr 23, The Battle of Contarf ended Danish rule in Ireland but a Dane killed Irish King Brian Boru (87).
(PCh, 1992, p.80)(MC, 4/23/02)

1016 Oct 18, Danes defeated the Saxons at Battle of Assandun (Ashingdon).
(MC, 10/18/01)

1016-1035 Canute the Great of Denmark became King of England.
(AHD, 1971, p.198)

1018-1035 Canute the Great became King of Denmark as well as King of England.
(AHD, 1971, p.198)

1035 Nov 12, King Canute (b.994) died at age 39. He was king of Denmark, England and Norway (1014-1035).
(HN, 11/12/98)(MC, 11/12/01)

1047 Oct 25, Magnus I Godhi, king of Norway and Denmark (1035-47), died.
(MC, 10/25/01)

1076AD The Danish King Svein Estrithson died.
(DrEE, 1/4/97, p.3)

1086 Jul 10, Knut IV, the Saint, king of Denmark (1080-86), was murdered.
(MC, 7/10/02)

1200-1300 The Danes built a castle at Narva, Estonia.
(WSJ, 1/25/99, p.A1)

1361 Jul 27, The Battle of Wisby (Visby) was fought near the town of Visby on the Swedish island of Gotland, between the forces of the Danish king and the Gotland peasants. The Danish force was victorious.
(Econ, 12/18/10, p.111)(

1375-1412 Queen Margaret I (b.1353) ruled over Denmark. In 1388 her rule extended over Norway and in 1389 extended to include Sweden.

1380 Iceland fell under Danish control.
(HNQ, 4/28/00)

1397 Jun 17, The Union of Kalmar united Denmark, Sweden, and Norway under one monarch. The alliance grew out of the dynastic ties of the Scandinavian countries of Denmark, Norway and Sweden in response to rising German influence in the Baltic. The Kalmar Union is a historiographical term meaning a series of personal unions (1397–1523) that united the three kingdoms of Denmark, Norway (with Iceland, Greenland, the Faroe Islands and, prior to their annexation by Scotland in 1471, Shetland and Orkney), and Sweden (including Finland) under a single monarch.

1494 Feb 20, Johan Friis (d.1570), chancellor of Denmark (1532-1570), was born in Sweden. He helped formed Lutheranism.

1513 Christian II became King of Denmark and Norway. He later asserted his right to the Swedish throne by force of arms.
(TL-MB, p.10)

1520 Nov 4, Danish-Norwegian king Christian II was crowned king of Sweden.
(MC, 11/4/01)

1523 Christian II was deposed in Denmark after a civil war and was exiled. His uncle became King Frederick I of Denmark and Norway.
(TL-MB, p.12)
1523 Sweden became independent and dropped out of the Kalmar Union, formed in 1397 with Denmark and Norway.

1524 Denmark confirmed Swedish independence under Gustavus Vasa in the Treaty of Malmo.
(TL-MB, p.12)

1546 Dec 14, Tycho Brahe (d.1601), astronomer, was born in Knudstrup, Denmark. He constructed the most precise astronomical instruments of his time.
(SCTS, p.136)(HN, 12/14/00)(MC, 12/14/01)

1560 Aug 21, Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) became interested in astronomy.
(SC, 8/21/02)

1560 In Denmark Frederiksborg Castle was built by King Frederick II (1534-1588). It was expanded from 1602-1620 and served as the royal residence for King Christian IV (1577-1648).

1561 Poland-Lithuania gaining control over Livonia. In response Sweden seized the territory of Estonia with the major port of Reval. Denmark, also invested in the war, seized the Livonian Islands.

1562 Aug, Denmark under Frederick II declared war against Sweden beginning the First Northern War (1563-1570). The war ended with the Treaty of Stettin (1570).

1570 Dec 5, Johan Friis, chancellor of Denmark (b.1532), died. his share of spoliated Church property had made him one of the wealthiest men in Denmark. Under King Frederick II (1559-1588), who understood but little of state affairs, Friis was well-nigh omnipotent. He was largely responsible for the Scandinavian Seven Years' War (1562-1570), which did so much to exacerbate the relations between Denmark and Sweden.

1570 Dec 15, The Peace of Stettin was concluded in Livonia. Denmark recognized the independence of Sweden in the Peace of Stettin. Sweden gave up her claim to Norway.
(TL-MB, p.22)(

1572 Nov 11, A supernova was observed in constellation known as Cassiopeia. Tycho Brahe, Danish astronomer, discovered a nova in the constellation of Cassiopeia. It is described in detail in his book "De Nova Stella." The light eventually became as bright as Venus and could be seen for two weeks in broad daylight. After 16 months, it disappeared.
(V.D.-H.K.p.197)(, 12/4/08)

1587 Jan 8, Johannes Fabricius, astronomer who discovered sunspots, was born in Denmark.
(HN, 1/8/99)(MC, 1/8/02)

1588 Frederick II of Denmark died and was succeeded by his 10 year-old son, Christian IV.
(TL-MB, p.24)

1588 Tycho Brahe, Danish astronomer, had his financial support cut by a new Danish king and moved to Prague where his student, Johannes Kepler, aided him and to whom he left all his astronomical data.

1602 Denmark imposed a strict trade monopoly and cut off Iceland's products from lucrative markets.
(SFEC, 9/19/99, p.A18)

1626 Aug 27, The Danes were crushed by the Catholic League in Germany, marking the end of Danish intervention in European wars.
(HN, 8/27/98)

1644 Sep 25, Olaus Rímer, 1st to accurately measured speed of light, was born in Denmark.
(MC, 9/25/01)

1676 Jun 1, The Swedish ship Svardet, armed with 86 bronze canons and under command of Claes Uggla, went under when Sweden was defeated by a Danish-Dutch fleet in the Battle of Öland. In 2011 Deep Sea Productions said it believed it had found the ship off the island of Oland.
(AP, 11/16/11)(

1676 Ole Christensen Romer (Roemer), Danish astronomer, derived a speed of light of 130,000 miles per second based on his observations of Io, the innermost moon of Jupiter.
(, 2/05, p.19)

1679 May 14, Peder [Nielsen] Horrebow, Danish astronomer, was born.
(MC, 5/14/02)

1684 Dec 3, Ludvig Baron Holberg, founder of Danish & Norwegian literature, was born.
(MC, 12/3/01)

1698 Aug 18, After invading Denmark and capturing Sweden, Charles XII of Sweden forced Frederick IV of Denmark to sign the Peace of Travendal.
(HN, 8/18/98)

1725 Czar Peter the Great chose Vitus Bering (44), a Danish seaman in the Russian navy, to lead an expedition to discover whether or not Asia was connected to America.
(ON, 2/06, p.1)

1728 Vitus Bering (47), Danish explorer in the Russian navy, discovered the Bering Strait between Asia and North America.
(PCh, 1992, p.286)(ON, 2/06, p.1)

1729-1801 The Danish East India Company was chartered to carry on trade in the East Indies.
(WUD, 1994, p.449)

1732 Apr 17, The 2nd Kamchatka Expedition was announced in the Russian Senate and Vitus Bering was named as captain commander. I.K. Kirilov, chief secretary of the senate, expanded Bering’s mandate to include astronomical and scientific observations, to explore the seas between Siberia and Japan and to establish trade relations with peoples encountered.
(ON, 2/06, p.1)

1741 Jul 15, George Steller, an observer with Vitus Bering (1680-1741), claimed to see the American mainland (Alaska). Bering, a Danish-born mariner, was on an exploratory mission on behalf of Russia.
(WSJ, 9/12/00, p.A24)(SFEC, 3/23/97, p.T5)(ON, 2/06, p.2)

1741 Jul 16, Vitus Bering (1680-1741) first sighted Mt. St. Elias, the second highest peak in Alaska at 18,008 feet.
(AAM, 3/96, p.84)(WUD, 1994 p.140)

1741 Dec 8, Vitus Bering, Danish-born explorer and commander in the Russian navy, died on an island off the Kamchatka Peninsula, later named Bering Island.
(ON, 2/06, p.4)

1748 The Danish Royal Theater was inaugurated.
(SFEC, 11/1/98, p.T3)

1750 Germany returned the island of Aero, which measures 22 by 6 miles, to Denmark.
(SSFC, 7/29/07, p.G3)

1764 Jan 19, Bolle Willum Luxdorph, a Danish diarist, described what is believed to be the first successful parcel bomb.
(Econ, 11/6/10, p.74)

1768 Johan Friedrich Struensee, a German doctor, was appointed as personal physician to the insane young King Christian VII of Denmark. The doctor became lover to the queen, Caroline Mathilde, the younger sister of George III of England. Struensee was arrested and executed after 2 years.
(WSJ, 12/7/01, p.W16)

1770 Nov 19, Albert Bertel Thorvaldsen, sculptor (Dying Lion), was born in Copenhagen, Denmark.
(MC, 11/19/01)

1775 The Danish Royal Copenhagen Porcelain Manufactory began operations.
(SFC, 3/10/99, Z1 p.6)

1777 Aug 14, Hans Christian Oersted, Danish scientist, was born. He discovered electromagnetism.
(HN, 8/14/00)

1790s Denmark became the 1st country to abolish slavery.
(WSJ, 2/26/02, p.A22)

1792 May 16, Denmark abolished slave trade.
(MC, 5/16/02)

1799 Nov 5, The Danish ship Oldenborg was wrecked on her outward passage by being beached in the roadstead at Cape Town, South Africa, during a north-westerly gale, thus becoming one of the 127 ships that have been lost on this minuscule portion of the South African coast.

1800 The Althing of Iceland was abolished by the Danish king.
(HNQ, 4/28/00)

1801 Apr 2, The British navy defeated the Danish at the Battle of Copenhagen.
(AP, 4/2/99)

1803 Denmark became the first country to ban slave trade.
(WSJ, 1/11/99, p.R25)

1805 Apr 2, Hans Christian Andersen (d.1875), author of 150 fairy tales, was born in Odense, Denmark.
(CFA, '96, p.44)(HN, 4/2/98)(AP, 4/2/99)

1807 Sep 2, British forces began bombarding Copenhagen for several days, until the Danes agreed to surrender their naval fleet.
(AP, 9/2/07)

1807 Sep 7, Denmark surrendered to British forces that had bombarded the city of Copenhagen for four days.
(AP, 9/7/07)

1813 May 5, Soren Kierkegaard (d.1855), Danish philosopher and theologian, was born. He founded Existentialism and believed that man's relation to God must be an agonizing experience. “Truth is not introduced into the individual from without, but was within him all the time.” His books included the philosophical novel “Diary of a Seducer.”
(WUD, 1994, p.786)(AP, 10/23/97)(SFC, 9/4/98, p.C5)(HN, 5/5/99)

1814 May 17, Norway's constitution was signed, providing for a limited monarchy. Denmark ceded Norway to Sweden.
(AP, 5/17/97)(HN, 5/17/98)

1828 The Danish government decreed that all persons should have a surname which was inherited from the preceding generation.
(, 10/8/04, p.A4)

1829 Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) published his first literary work: “A Walking Tour from Holmen’s Canal to the Eastern Point of Amager.”
(ON, 7/06, p.7)

1830 August Bournonville (1805-1879) founded the Danish ballet tradition, the world's oldest living ballet heritage. At the age of 25 he became principal dancer and artistic director for the Royal Danish Ballet and continued to work there for 47 years.

1835 Apr, Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) published novel “Improvisatore,” an alternative version of his own life based on his travel experiences in Italy.
(ON, 7/06, p.7)

1843 Aug 15, The Tivoli Gardens opened in Copenhagen.
(SFEC, 2/20/00, p.T8)(MC, 8/15/02)

1844 Nov 23, Duchies of Schleswig and Holstein were declared independent from Denmark.
(AP, 11/23/02)

1847 Carlsberg began beer production in Denmark.
(WSJ, 10/7/03, p.B1)

1848 Mar 24, The First Schleswig War began. It was the first round of military conflict in southern Denmark and northern Germany rooted in the Schleswig-Holstein Question and contested the issue of who should control the Duchies of Schleswig and Holstein. The 3-year war lasted from 1848–1851.

1848 Jul 3, Gen. Peter Von Scholten, faced with the likely destruction of towns and plantations by a slave revolt, declared the slaves of the Danish West Indies (later US Virgin Islands) to be freed.
(SSFC, 7/5/09, p.A3)

1849 May 3, Jacob Riis (d.1914), American reporter and reformer (How the Other Half Lives), was born in Denmark.
(HN, 5/3/01)(

1852 May 8, A war between Denmark and Prussia lasted three years (1848–50) and ended only when the Great Powers pressured Prussia into accepting the London Protocol of 1852. This was the revision of an earlier protocol, which had been ratified on August 2, 1850, by the major Germanic powers of Austria and Prussia. The 1852 London Protocol confirmed that the duchies of Schleswig-Holstein should remain undivided.
(, 6/23/12, p.20)

1855 Nov 11, Soren A. Kierkegaard (b.1813), Danish philosopher and theologian, died. In 2005 Joakim Garff authored “Søren A. Kierkegaard: A Biography.”
(, 2/3/05, p.D8)

1857 Jun 2, Karl Gjellerup, poet, novelist (Nobel 1917), was born in Denmark.
(SC, 6/2/02)

1859 Hans Christian Anderson gave his story "The Philosopher's Stone" to a family during his trip to the Jutland region. The 13-page script was sold at auction in 1999 for $75,400.
(SFC, 4/16/99, p.C8)

1864 May 9, Austria and Denmark held a ship battle at Helgoland.
(MC, 5/9/02)

1864 Prussia and Austria snatched Schleswig-Holstein from Denmark. The border was redrawn by plebiscite in 1920. After 1945 Germany and Denmark agreed to recognize the rights of minorities on both sides.
(Econ, 6/2/12, p.66)

1865 May 21, C.J. Thomsen, archaeologist who named the Stone, Iron and Bronze Ages, was born in Denmark.
(MC, 5/21/02)

1865 Jun 9, Carl Nielsen, Danish composer, was born.
(HN, 6/9/01)

1867 Denmark reached a deal to transfer Saint Thomas and Saint John (part of the Virgin Islands) to the United States to the US for $7.5 million, but a hurricane, earthquake, tsunami and fire, as well as domestic and int’l. political conflicts delayed the transfer for 50 years.
(, 3/27/11, p.M3)

1868 Oct 16, Denmark ended its involvement in India by selling the rights to the Nicobar Islands to the British.
(SFC, 11/3/11, p.A2)

1871 In Denmark the Jutland-based Jyllands-Posten newspaper was founded.
(AP, 2/8/06)

1872 Aug 3, Haakon VII, King of Norway, was born in Charlottenlund, Denmark.
(SC, 8/3/02)

1884 In Denmark the Alexander Nevski church was built in Copenhagen on a request by Czarina Maria Feodorovna, the Danish-born mother of Nicholas II.
(AP, 1/20/10)

1875 Aug 4, Hans Christian Andersen (b.1805), Danish fairy tale writer, died. Over his life he wrote 156 fairy tales as well as numerous novels and travel books. His biography was later written by Elias Bredsdorff (d.2002 at 90).
(SFC, 8/23/02, p.A27)(ON, 7/06, p.8)

1885 Apr 17, Karen Blixen-Finecke (Isak Dinesen, d.1962), Danish writer (Out of Africa), was born. “God made the world round so we would never be able to see too far down the road.”
(AP, 9/15/00)(HN, 4/17/01)(MC, 4/17/02)

1885 Oct 7, Nils Bohr, Danish physicist who won the 1992 Nobel Prize for physics and later worked on the first atom bomb, was born.
(HN, 10/7/98)(MC, 10/7/01)

1889 May 29, August Strindberg's "Hemsoborna" premiered in Copenhagen.
(SC, 5/29/02)

1890 Mar 20, Lauritz Melchior, baritone, tenor (Met Opera), was born in Copenhagen, Denmark.
(MC, 3/20/02)

1899 Mar 11, Frederick IX, King of Denmark, was born.
(HN, 3/11/98)

1902 Apr 18, Denmark became the 1st country to adopt fingerprinting to identify criminals.
(MC, 4/18/02)

1904 A new Danish law forced the people to stick with the names they had, as opposed to the previous system where people where named after their fathers first name.
(WSJ, 3/17/98, p.A1)

1904 Denmark and Sweden issued the first Christmas seals to raise money to fight tuberculosis.
(SFEC, 12/13/98, Z1 p.10)

1905 Nov 18, The Norwegian Parliament elected Prince Charles of Denmark to be the next King of Norway. Prince Charles took the name Haakon VII.
(HN, 11/18/98)

1909 Jan 3, Victor Borge (d.2000 at 91), musical humorist, was born as Borge Rosenbaum in Copenhagen. In 1953 he opened his “Comedy in Music” at the Golden Theater on Broadway and played for 849 performances .
(SSFC, 12/24/00, p.B5)(440 Int'l. 1/3/99)

1909 Wilhelm Johanssen, Danish botanist, coined the word “gene.”
(NH, 6/01, p.30)

1911 Mar 24, Penal code reform abolished corporal punishment in Denmark.
(HN, 3/24/98)

1913 The bronze statue of the Little Mermaid, a character from a Hans Christian Anderson story, was installed in the Copenhagen harbor. It was commissioned by Carl Jacobsen, founder of the Carlsberg Beer Co., and created by Edvard Eriksen. [see 1964]
(SFC,11/5/97, p.C2)

1914 A wooden roller coaster was added to the Tivoli Gardens, Denmark.
(SFEC, 2/20/00, p.T8)

1914-1931 Karen Blixen, Danish author, lived on a farm near Nairobi, Kenya. Her lover was Denys Finch-Hatton. She wrote under the name Isak Dinesen. The two were featured in the 1985 film “Out of Africa” that starred Robert Redford and Meryl Streep. The country was then called British East Africa.
(SFC, 6/17/98, p.E1)(SFEC, 7/26/98, p.T10)

1916 Feb 13, Vilhelm Hammershoi (b.1864), Danish painter, died. He is most celebrated for his interiors, many of which he painted at his residence in Copenhagen.
(Econ, 7/5/08, p.94)

1916 May 31, During World War I, British and German fleets fought the Battle of Skagerrak at Jutland off Denmark and 10,000 were left dead. There was no clear-cut victor, although the British suffered heavier losses.
(HN, 5/31/98)(AP, 5/31/06)

1916 Aug 4, The United States purchased the Danish Virgin Islands for $25 million. [see 1917]
(AP, 8/4/97)

1916 Aug 4, The United States signed a treaty to purchase the Danish Virgin Islands for $25 million. The US purchased the southern Virgin Islands including St. Thomas, St. John, St. Croix and about 50 other small Caribbean islets and cays from Denmark. They were then known as the Danish West Indies. The Act of March 3, 1917, authorized payment by the US of $25 million for the Virgin Islands.
(WUD, 1994, p.1595)(AP, 8/4/97)(HNQ, 11/20/99)

1916 Dec 14, People of Denmark voted to sell Danish West Indies to United States for $25 million. [see Aug 4]
(AP, 12/14/02)

1917 Jan 17, The United States paid Denmark $25 million for the Virgin Islands.
(AP, 1/17/07)

1917 Mar 31, The United States took possession of the Virgin Islands. The purchase from Denmark for $25 million had been set up in 1916.
(AP, 3/30/97)(

1918 Dec 1, Danish parliament passed an act to grant Iceland independence.
(HFA, ‘96, p.20)(MC, 12/1/01)

1922 Jun 19, Aage Nills Bohr, physicist, study atomic nucleus (Nobel 1975), was born in Denmark.
(MC, 6/19/02)

1922 Otto Jesperson (1860-1943), Danish linguist, authored “Language: Its Nature, Development and Origins.” “Men sang out their feelings long before they were able to speak their thoughts. But of course we must not imagine that "singing" means exactly the same thing here as in a modern concert hall. When we say that speech originated in song, what we mean is merely that our comparatively monotonous spoken language and our highly developed vocal music are differentiations of primitive utterances, which had more in them of the latter than of the former. These utterances were, at first, like the singing of birds and the roaring of many animals and the crooning of babies, exclamative, not communicative--that is, they came forth from an inner craving of the individual without any thought of any fellow-creatures. Our remote ancestors had not the slightest notion that such a thing as communicating ideas and feelings to someone else was possible.”

1924 Jul 10, Denmark took Greenland as Norway ended its claim.
(MC, 7/10/02)

1926 The bumper car rides opened at the Tivoli Gardens, Denmark.
(SFEC, 2/20/00, p.T8)

1928 The silent film classic "Passion of Joan of Arc" was directed by Carl Theodore Dreyer of Denmark. It later led to a 70 minute oratorio for solo singers, chorus, and chamber orchestra by Richard Einhorn.
(SFC, 10/11/96, p.C6)(WSJ, 10/8/98, p.W5)

1928 In Denmark Palle Huld (d.2010) won a competition organized by Danish newspaper that wanted to send a teenager would-be-reporter around the globe. For 44 days the 15-year-old traveled to North America, Japan, Siberia and Germany, and was greeted by 20,000 people upon his return to Copenhagen. Herge, the pen name of Belgian author Georges Remi, heard of Huld's journey which reportedly inspired him to create Tintin, the globe-trotting reporter.
(AP, 12/5/10)

1928 Maria Feodorovna (b.1847), the daughter of Denmark's King Christian IX and Queen Louise, died in Denmark. Princess Dagmar had married Russia’s Czar Alexander II and their six children included Nicholas II, who became czar in 1894. She fled St. Petersburg in 1917. Her casket rested alongside Danish kings and queens until 2006 when it was sent to Russia.
(AP, 9/23/06)

1931 Einar Weigener, a Danish painter, had his sex altered in the first surgical procedure of its kind.
(SFEC, 2/27/00, BR p.5)

1932 Apr, In Denmark 6 of the world’s leading quantum physicists gathered at Niels Bohr’s Institute for Theoretical Physics to discuss the latest developments in the field. In 2007 Gino Segre authored “Faust in Copenhagen: A Struggle for the Soul of Physics.” The book is organized around a short comedy performed at the end of the meeting.
(SSFC, 6/24/07, p.M3)(Econ, 7/14/07, p.87)

1932 Denmark’s LEGO Group was founded by Ole Kirk Christiansen, a carpenter. He began to supplement his income by selling wooden toys. Christiansen and his grandson perfected toy bricks made of wood and later shifted to plastic.
(, 4/28/12, p.76)

1935 Mar 16, Aron Nimzowitsch (b.1886), a Latvian-born Danish chess player, died. In 1925 he authored “My System,” which he described as a chess manual based on entirely new principles.
(WSJ, 3/22/08, p.W10)(

1935-1970 Denmark gave sex offenders a choice between prison or surgical castration. The practice was banned due to criticism that it was inhumane and irreversible.
(SFC, 8/31/96, p.A12)

1938 Karen Blixen (Isak Dinesen) wrote her novel: “Out of Africa.”
(SFEC, 11/3/96, BR p.5)
1938 Denmark’s K.B. Hallen sports arena in the Copenhagen opened. It was destroyed by fire in 2011.
(AP, 9/28/11)

1940 Apr 9, The Nazi army invaded and occupied Denmark and Norway. After the Nazi invasion most of Denmark’s police were killed. [see Nov 9]
(WSJ, 4/29/96, p.C-1)(DrEE, 1/4/97, p.4) (SFEC, 1/26/97, p.A14)(AP, 4/9/97)

1940 Apr 9, The Nazi army invaded and occupied Denmark and Norway. German forces landed along the Norwegian coast and made a paratrooper assault on Oslo and Stavanger. After the Nazi invasion most of Denmark’s police were killed.
(WSJ, 4/29/96, p.C-1)(SFEC, 1/26/97, p.A14)(AP, 4/9/97)(ON, 11/05, p.3)

1940 The term "genetic engineering" was coined in Poland, by Danish microbiologist A. Jost while giving a lecture on the sex life of yeast at the Technical Institute in Lwow, Poland.

1941 Mar 30, The U.S. seized Italian, German and Danish ships in 16 ports.
(HN, 3/30/98)

1941 Physicist Neils Bohr met with Werner Heisenberg in Copenhagen. In 2000 the meeting was portrayed in a play by Michael Frayn: “Copenhagen.’
(WSJ, 4/12/00, p.A24)

1943 Aug 28, Denmark declared a universal strike against Nazi occupiers.
(MC, 8/28/01)

1943 Aug 29, Responding to a clampdown by Nazi occupiers, Denmark managed to scuttle most of its naval ships.
(AP, 8/29/97)

1943 Sep 18, Hitler ordered the deportation of Danish Jews (unsuccessful).
(MC, 9/18/01)

1943 Oct 1, Germans attacked Jews in Denmark.
(MC, 10/1/01)

1943 Over 7,000 Danish Jews crossed to Sweden to escape the Nazis.
(Econ, 7/10/04, p.46)

1944 May 24, Icelandic voters severed all ties with Denmark.
(MC, 5/24/02)

1944 Jun 17, Iceland declared full independence from Denmark and became a republic.
(DrEE, 1/4/97, p.4)(AP, 6/17/97)

1945 Mar 21, A British bombing raid was made on Gestapo Headquarters in Denmark to thwart a planned German arrest of the leadership of the banned Freedom Council. A 2nd wave of bombers hit a school by mistake killing 86 students and 13 adults.
(SFC, 9/23/02, p.B5)

1945 May 4, German forces in the Netherlands, Denmark and northwest Germany agreed to surrender.
(AP, 5/4/00)

1945 May 5, Netherlands and Denmark were liberated from Nazi control. The Liberation of the Netherlands was completed by the First Canadian Army.
(HN, 5/5/98)(

1945 May 28, Lord Haw Haw (aka William Joyce), a virulent anti-Semite who broadcast pro-Nazi propaganda from Germany during the war, was shot in the leg in an encounter with two British officers near Flensburg on the Danish border with Germany. He was sentenced to death for treason on 19 September 1945 and hanged on 3 January 1946.

1946 Scandinavian airlines began as a co-operative venture between the airlines of Denmark, Norway and Sweden. In 1951 they merged. Marcus Wallenberg Jr. (1899-1982), tennis champion, sold out of railways to concentrate on airplanes. Wallenberg helped to establish the Scandinavian Airlines System and controlled companies that employed one of every eight working Swedes.
(,9171,925746-2,00.html)(Econ, 10/14/06, p.73)(Econ, 5/19/12, p.74)

1947-1972 King Frederik IX ruled with Queen Ingrid.
(SFC, 11/8/00, p.B7)

1948 Axel Axgil (1915-2011), born Axel Lundahl-Madsen, was among the founding members of gay rights group LGBT Danmark.
(AP, 10/30/11)

1949 Mar 6, Robert Storm Petersen (b.1882), Danish cartoonist, writer, animator, illustrator, painter and humorist, died. He is known almost exclusively by his pen name Storm P.

1949 Apr 4, The (NATO) North Atlantic Treaty Organization pact was signed by the US, Great Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Italy, Portugal, Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Canada. It provided for mutual defense against aggression and for close military cooperation.
(, 1982, p.1949)

1949 Oct 28, Eugenie Anderson became the 1st woman US ambassador. She was posted to Denmark.
(HFA, ‘96, p.40)(MC, 10/28/01)

1950 Denmark founded the Sirius Patrol, a unit of the Danish navy, to patrol Greenland.
(SFC, 6/15/00, p.C4)

1954 May 1, Legos, founded by Danish carpenter Ole Kirk Christiansen, became a registered trademark in Denmark.

1957 Denmark banned nuclear weapons from its soil.
(AP, 10/29/10)

1958 Legos, the toy Lego building block kit with simple red bricks, was introduced with 8-stud bricks that could be combined 24 ways. The company was founded by Danish carpenter Ole Kirk Christiansen in 1932. Legos became a registered trademark in 1954. The name was derived from “les godt,” Danish for play well.
(SFC, 1/9/99, p.B8)(Econ, 10/28/06, p.76)

1958 Monkeypox was first described in Denmark when several monkey imports developed lesions. The disease emerged in the Congo in 1970 with sporadic outbreaks over the years, primarily in Central and West Africa. Ten percent of those infected can die, and there is evidence of person-to-person transmission.
(AP, 11/29/06)

1959 Nov 20, Seven European nations (Austria, Britain, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland) signed the Stockholm Convention to form the European Free Trade Association (EFTA). The organization becoming operative on May 3 1960.

1960 Aug 26, Knud Jensen (23), Danish cyclist, collapsed while riding in a 100-km team trial at the Olympics in Rome. He fractured his skull and died. An autopsy revealed amphetamines in his blood. His death would led the International Olympic Committee to begin a program of drug testing beginning with the 1968 Games held in Grenoble, France and Mexico City, Mexico.
(WSJ, 8/7/06, p.B1)(

1961 Jan 4, The Danish barbers' assistants strike ended after 33 yrs. It was the longest strike on record.
(MC, 1/4/02)

1961 Aug 10, Denmark formally applied for membership in the European Community.

1962 Nov 18, Niels Bohr (77), Danish physicist (atom, Nobel 1922), died.
(MC, 11/18/01)

1964 The bronze statue of the Little Mermaid in the Copenhagen harbor was decapitated. In 1997 friends of the late painter Henrik Bruun told newspapers that Bruun was responsible.
(SFC,11/5/97, p.C2)

1965 Prof. Fredric J. Mosher (d.1999 at 85) of UC Berkeley published "A Guide to Danish Bibliography."
(SFC, 6/17/99, p.C4)

1966 Danish motorcycle gangs have been around for about 30 years, when local clubs like the Avengers, Heathens, Hogriders, Pirates, and Pagans began forming.
(WSJ, 5/24/96, p.A-4)

1967 May 11, The United Kingdom re-applied to join the European Community. It is followed by Ireland and Denmark and, a little later, by Norway. General de Gaulle is still reluctant to accept British accession.

1967 Olafur Eliasson, artist, was born in Denmark to Icelandic parents. He later created, a charitable organization to finance orphanages in Ethiopia.
(Econ, 10/6/07, p.100)(

1968 Jan 21, An American B-52 bomber carrying four hydrogen bombs crashed at North Star Bay, Greenland, killing one crew member and scattering radioactive material. Reports began to surface later and in 1995 the Danish government paid a $15.5 million settlement to some 1,700 exposed workers.
(, 1/21/08)

1968 The original Legoland was built in Billund, Denmark.
(SFEC, 2/7/99, p.T3)

1968 A Danish geologist published a paper on the Greenland Ice Cap that included melting threats to it. The study used core samples that drilled down to bedrock.
(WSJ, 6/8/06, p.D8)

1969 Peter V. Glob (1911-1985), Danish archeologist, authored "The Bog People: Iron Age Man Preserved."
(AM, 7/97, p.62)(
1969 San Francisco's hardcore pioneer director/producer Alex de Renzy, in his directorial debut with reputed sexologists Phyllis and Eberhard Kronhausen, conducted interviews with uninhibited Danes, along with closeups of every detail of conventional sexual intercourse and depictions of lesbianism, fellatio, and cunnilingus. A 90-minute version screened in San Francisco was later confiscated and the film was banned in a number of states. In the wake of the landmark decision in People v. Alex de Renzy the documentary film “Pornography in Denmark” went into wide release.
(, 7/12/11, p.E1)

1971 The Roskilde rock festival, inspired by Woodstock, was first held in Denmark.
(SFC, 7/1/00, p.A12)
1971 Denmark became the first European country to create a Cabinet-level ministry dealing exclusively with the environment.
(SFC, 12/15/99, p.AA6)
1971 In Denmark the Christiana enclave took root in Copenhagen when dozens of hippies moved into the derelict 18th-century navy fort on 600 acres of state-owned land.
(AP, 3/16/04)(SSFC, 10/31/04, p.A3)
1971 In Denmark the Jyllands-Posten newspaper declared itself politically independent.
(AP, 2/8/06)

1972 Jan 14, Denmark’s King Frederik IX (b.1899) died.
(SFC, 11/8/00, p.B7)(

1972 Jan 22, Britain, Denmark, Ireland and Norway joined the European Economic Community.
(AP, 1/22/02)

1973 Jan 1, The European Economic Community (EEC), the forerunner to the EU, admitted Britain, Ireland and Denmark even though they made chocolate containing a small percentage of vegetable fat.
(WSJ, 12/4/97, p.A22)(

1973 Sep 1, In Copenhagen, Denmark, the 74-year-old Hafnia Hotel burned, killing 35.

1973 Oct 20, Queen Elizabeth II opened the Sydney Opera House. It was designed by Danish architect Joern Utzon and cost 102 million Australian dollars, 14 times the original estimate. Utzon left the project in 1966. In 2000 Utzon was named consulting architect and in 2003 was called back to redo the interiors.
(SFEC, 1/4/98, p.T4)(SFEC, 9/10/00, p.T12)(WSJ, 10/2/03, p.D10)

1973 Denmark instituted a procedure of chemical castration for sex offenders.
(SFC, 8/31/96, p.A12)

1975 Oct, Aage Nills Bohr (b.1922), Denmark-born physicist, won the Nobel Prize in Physics for his study of the atomic nucleus. Ben Mottelson (b.1926), Danish-American physicist and James Rainwater (1917-1986), American physicist, also shared the prize.

1977 Dec 12, Dr. Grethe Rask (b.1930) from Denmark died of Pneumocystis carinii. She had done research in Africa. Her symptoms had been manifesting in Dec 1976 and she was hospitalized in Africa. In November 1977 after a brief recovery, she decided it was time to go home to die. A colleague saw the wasting, and did an autopsy, where P. carinii was found. She is believed to be one of the first documented cases of probable AIDS infection.

1979 May 1, Denmark gave home rule to Greenland, but continued to make key decisions on law and order. The legislative basis for the Home Rule Administration is Act no 56 of 21 February 1979 which came into force on 1 May 1979 following a referendum in Greenland.
(WSJ, 1/13/04, p.A4)(

1982 Feb 23, In a consultative referendum, Greenland, which became a member of the European Community as part of Denmark, opted for withdrawal from the Community.

1982 Denmark’s monetary policy was tied to the German mark.
(WSJ, 2/6/98, p.A1)

1982 The Stichting Ingka Foundation, a Dutch-registered, tax-exempt, non-profit legal entity, was given the shares of Ingvar Kamprad (b.1926), the Swedish founder of IKEA. In 2006 Ingka Holding, a private Dutch-registered company, was the parent of 207 of 235 worldwide IKEA companies, and it belonged to the Stichting Ingka Foundation.
(Econ, 5/13/06, p.69)(SFC, 4/6/04, p.C3)

1985 A bombing in Copenhagen killed one person and injured 16. Mohammed Abu Talb was arrested in Sweden in1989 for the bombing.
(SFC, 11/25/99, p.A14)

1985 P.V. Glob (b.1911), Danish archeologist, died. His books included “The Bog People: Iron-Age Man Preserved” (1964).

1986 The Hell’s Angels began renting a building in Copenhagen from the city.
(SFEC, 8/11/96, p.A13)

1987 Denmark recognized Copenhagen’s Christiana enclave, founded in 1971, as a social experiment. In 1991 the government gave residents the right to use the land. In 2006 the government proposed a plan to regularize housing in the enclave.
(SSFC, 10/22/06, p.G3)

1989 May 26, Danish parliament allowed legal marriage among homosexuals.

1989 Oct 1, In Copenhagen, Denmark, 11 homosexual couples were married. It was the first time any country allowed such marriages.
(SFC, 5/26/96, Z1 p.6)(SFC, 12/12/98, p.B3)

1990 Apr 7, An arson fire aboard a ferry enroute from Norway to Denmark killed 159 people.
(AP, 4/7/00)(AP, 1/14/12)

1992 Mar 5, In Copenhagen the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Russia and Sweden, in the presence of the representative from the European Commission, opened a 2-day meeting and decided to establish a Council of the Baltic Sea States to serve as a forum for guidance and overall coordination among the participating states. Iceland joined the CBSS in 1995
(Econ, 6/7/08, p.63)(

1992 Jun 2, Danish voters rejected the Maastricht union treaty.
(AP, 6/2/97)

1993 May 18, Voters in Denmark ratified the European Community's Maastricht Treaty on closer economic and political union.
(AP, 5/18/98)(SC, 5/18/02)

1993 Jun, EU membership criteria were laid down at the European Council in Copenhagen, Denmark. Under the “Copenhagen criteria” would-be EU members were required to show that they meet the political and institutional standards of membership.
(, 12/2/06, p.55)

1993 The Danish chapter of the Bandidos motorcycle gang started out as the 666 club, changed its name to the Morticians, then the Undertakers, and then affiliated in 1993 with the Texas-based Bandidos.
(WSJ, 5/24/96, p.A-4)

1994-1997 A Danish nurse and doctor killed 22 nursing-home residents with injections. They were charged in 1997 for the killings and the nurse was also charged with embezzlement.
(SFC,10/22/97, p.1)

1995 Lars Von Trier, a Danish film director, launched the Dogma 95 concept of minimalist rules to return the focus of filmmaking to story and plot. The rules forbade sound editing and any equipment beyond handheld cameras.
(SFC, 8/10/02, p.D4)

1995 Danish Foreign Minister Niels Helveg Petersen told reporters that no nuclear weapons were deployed in Greenland. 2 weeks later US Sec. of Defense William Perry wrote in a confidential letter that warheads and surface to air missiles had been stored at the Thule air base without Greenland’s knowledge. The crisis became known as "Thulegate" in Denmark.
(SFC, 11/3/01, p.C3)

1995 Denmark’s population was about 5 million
(SFC, 5/9/97, p.A4)

1996 Mar 10, Bandido motorcycle gang leader Uffe Larson was shot to death in Copenhagen.
(SFEC, 8/11/96, p.A13)

1996 Apr 18, Piet Hein (80), Danish architect, poet, mathematician, inventor, died.

1996 May, It was reported that Danish motorcycle gangs, engaged in a 2-year feud, had left 4 people slain and 20 wounded in a rivalry between the local chapters and supporters of Hells Angels and the Bandidos.
(SFC, 5/22/96, p.A11)

1996 Jul 7, The average cost of a Big Mac in Denmark was $4.40.
(SFC, 7/7/96, Parade, p.17)

1996 Jul 21, Thirteen pounds of explosives were hurled at the Hell’s Angel’s headquarters in Copenhagen. Their compound consists of 5 buildings surrounded by a 10-foot fence.
(SFEC, 8/11/96, p.A13)
1996 Jul 21, Danish cyclist Bjarne Riis won the Tour de France. In 2007 he admitted to using performance enhancing drugs to win the race.
(WSJ, 5/26/07, p.A1)(

1996 Aug 3, In Denmark a Gulfstream jet crashed and killed Copenhagen’s top military officer and 8 others as it approached a Faroe Islands airstrip.
(WSJ, 8/5/96, p.A1)

1996 Oct 6, An explosion at the Copenhagen headquarters of the Hells Angels killed 2 and injured 16.
(SFEC, 10/6/96, A9)

1996 Nov 20, The Danish film “Breaking the Waves” by Lars von Trier opened in SF. His other films include “Zentropa” and “The Kingdom.”
(SFC, 11/20/96, p.E3)

1996 A Danish government admitted in a report that the United States had stored nuclear weapons in Greenland during the Cold War, although Denmark had banned nuclear weapons from its soil in 1957.
(AP, 10/29/10)

1997 Jun 9, Danish violinist Nikolai Znaider won the Queen Elizabeth int’l. music prize.
(SFC, 6/10/97, p.D4)

1997 Jul 12, In Copenhagen, the last stop of an eight-day European tour, President Clinton said political divisions in Europe were closing.
(AP, 7/12/98)

1997 Jul 31, Denmark was named the least corrupt country in the world by business people in a report released by the German-based Transparency Int’l.
(SFC, 8/1/97, p.B3)

1997 Denmark staged a contest to crown one of its islands as a “renewable energy” island. Samsoe Island’s entry, led by engineer Aage Johnson, won the contest.
(WSJ, 2/9/06, p.A11)

1998 Jan 5, The bronze head of the Little Mermaid was again sawed off in Copenhagen harbor.
(SFC, 1/7/98, p.A9)(MC, 1/5/02)

1998 Jan 9, The decapitated head of Danish Little Mermaid was returned.
(MC, 1/9/02)

1998 Feb 1, The head of the Little Mermaid reattached in Copenhagen.
(SFC, 2/3/98, p.A7)

1998 Apr 27, Some 550,000 Danish workers walked of their jobs after unions turned down a compromise contract. The unions called for a 6th week of paid vacation.
(SFC, 4/30/98, p.A10)

1998 May 6, The Danish government intervened to end a ten day strike by 500,000 workers. It was planned to make strikes illegal until March, 2000, and offered 2 extra vacation days and an additional 3 days of family leave for working parents with children under 14.
(WSJ, 5/7/98, p.A16)

1998 May 21, Jack Lynd (71), San Francisco cab driver, news writer, jazz aficionado (Café Babar), died of cancer in Denmark. His work included the book “Leo’s Place.”
(CB, 5/31/98)

1998 The Danish film "The Kingdom II" was the 2nd of a series by director Lars von Trier. It starred Ernst-Hugo Jaregard and Kristen Riolffes. It was about some bizarre and horrifying occurrences at a city hospital in Copenhagen
(SFC, 5/25/98, p.E3)

1999 Mar 5, Denmark's parliament voted 81-27 to legalize prostitution, effective Jul 1.
(SFC, 3/6/99, p.A14)

1999 May 30, Kirsten Ralov (77), one of the Denmark's greatest ballerinas, died in Copenhagen of cancer.
(SFC, 6/5/99, p.A22)

1999 The new Royal Library in Copenhagen opened with the nickname "The Black Diamond." It included a 600-seat concert hall.
(SFEC, 2/20/00, p.T8)

1999 The Danish film "Pusher" starred Kim Bodnia and was written and directed by Nicolas Winding Refn. It was the portrait of a small-time drug dealer in Copenhagen.
(SFC, 11/1/99, p.E3)

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Danemark / Søren

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Danemark | Il y a quelque chose de pourri au royaume du Danemark. (Hamlet I, 4) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Danemark | Il y a quelque chose de pourri au royaume du Danemark. (Hamlet I, 4)   Danemark | Il y a quelque chose de pourri au royaume du Danemark. (Hamlet I, 4) EmptyDim 15 Déc - 22:37

Frise chronologique (2/2)

2000 Mar 17, Denmark informed the 18 Faeroe Islands that they would have to give up subsidies in 4 years if they wanted independence.
(SFC, 3/18/00, p.C1)

2000 Jul 1, The Oeresund Fixed Link (Oresund Bridge), the centerpiece of a $3.5 billion, 10-mile rail, motorway, bridge and tunnel project between Copenhagen and southern Sweden was scheduled for completion. Danish Queen Margrethe II met with Swedish King Carl Gustaf XVI on the artificial isle of Peberholm, half way across.
(WSJ, 5/26/00, p.A20)(SFEC, 6/25/00, p.T3)

2000 Jun 30, In Denmark at least 8 people were crushed to death at the Roskilde rock festival during a Pearl Jam concert.
(SFC, 7/1/00, p.A12)

2000 Sep 28, Danes voted 53-47% not to join the European Monetary Union.
(SFC, 9/28/00, p.A12)(SFC, 9/29/00, p.A18)

2000 Nov 7, Denmark’s Queen Mother Ingrid (90) died. She was born Ingrid Victoria Sofie Louise Margaretha at the royal castle in Stockholm as the daughter of King Gustaf VI Adolf.
(SFC, 11/8/00, p.B7)

2000 Dec, Denmark’s Middelgrunden Wind Farm offshore wind power facility was completed. The 20 turbines generated power for 32,000 households.
(SFC, 4/23/01, p.A1)

2000 Denmark exported $191 million worth of pork to the US. Ribs accounted for $100 million.
(WSJ, 3/19/00, p.A1)

2000 Genmab, a biotech company based in Denmark, went public with Dr. Lisa Drakeman of the US as CEO. Drakeman, with a doctorate in the history of religion, had gained biotech experience in Medarex, a firm created by her husband. In 2006 GlaxoSmithKline paid $357 million for a 10% stake in the company.
(Econ, 6/14/08, p.84)

2001 Mar 29, An oil tanker collided with a freighter in the Baltic Sea and some 550,000 gallons of oil were spilled and drifted toward Denmark.
(SFC, 3/30/01, p.D4)

2001 Nov 20, The Liberal (Venstre) Party under Anders Fogh Rasmussen (1953) won elections in Denmark. It formed a minority government with the Conservative People’s Party.

2001 KaZaA, an internet file-sharing program, was founded in Amsterdam by Niklas Zennstrom of Sweden and Janus Friis of Denmark. In 2003 they launched Skype software for internet telephony.
(Econ, 7/3/04, p.54)(
2001 Braathens, a Norwegian airline, was taken over by the SAS Group, partly owned by the governments of Sweden, Denmark and Norway. It merged with SAS in 2004.
(Econ, 4/27/13, p.61)(

2002 Mar 3, Denmark generated 13% of its electricity from wind and planned to raise the figure to 50% by 2030.
(SSFC, 3/3/02, p.A3)

2002 Mar 6, In Kabul, Afghanistan, 3 Danish and 2 German peacekeeping soldiers were killed while defusing a soviet era missile.
(WSJ, 3/7/02, p.A1)

2002 May 31, Denmark’s Parliament voted to stiffen rules on immigration.
(SFC, 6/1/02, p.A9)

2002 Jul 6, Asian and European finance ministers meeting in Copenhagen were presented a study that called for the creation of a currency basket system and ultimately a single Asian currency. The study was part of the Kobe Research Project, an initiative launched by ASEM in 2001.
(Reuters, 7/7/02)(

2002 Sep 24, The Danish government announced that the US will return to Denmark a section of the U.S. air base at Thule in northern Greenland that was created in 1953.
(AP, 9/24/02)

2002 Oct 30, Danish police arrested Akhmed Zakayev (43), a top aide to Aslan Maskhadov, former Chechen president.
(SFC, 10/31/02, p.A31)

2003 Mar 17, In Soro, Denmark, Nizar Al-Khazraji (65), former Iraqi general, disappeared.
(WSJ, 4/9/03, p.A1)(SFC, 4/16/03, p.A11)

2003 Jun 2, In Denmark Thorkild Grosboel, a Lutheran minister, was suspended for saying that God doesn't exist and there is no eternal life. Lutheran pastors in Denmark are employed by the state and bishops cannot fire them.
(AP, 6/3/03)(Econ, 6/28/03, p.55)

2003 Aug 7, Denmark's unemployment rate rose in June to 6.2 percent, the highest level in almost five years.
(AP, 8/7/03)

2003 Sep 23, A power outage struck the capital of Denmark and southern Sweden, leaving nearly 4 million people without electricity.
(AP, 9/23/03)

2003 Oct, Denmark cut taxes on spirits by 45%.
(Econ, 11/15/03, p.49)

2003 Dec 16, A fire broke out at Denmark's North Sea Museum, destroying much of the building housing Europe's largest aquarium.
(AP, 12/17/03)

2003 Denmark became the first country in the world to introduce restrictions on the use of industrially produced trans fatty acids. Oils and fats were forbidden on the Danish market if they contain trans fatty acids exceeding 2%.
2003 Denmark, population 5.4 million, stood as the world's biggest exporter of pork as some 13,000 farmers raised 24 million pigs.
(Econ, 8/9/03, p.44)

2004 Jan 4, In Denmark residents who openly bought and sold hashish at a famous hippie enclave in Copenhagen abruptly demolished their booths, trying to head off a Danish government crackdown on illegal drug sales.
(AP, 1/4/04)

2004 Jan 11, Danish and Icelandic troops reported a cache of 36 shells buried in the Iraqi desert, and preliminary tests showed they contained a liquid blister agent. The 120mm mortar shells are thought to be left over from the eight-year war between Iraq and neighboring Iran, which ended in 1988.
(AP, 1/11/04)

2004 Feb 24, The 1st charges were filed against 2 detainees in Guantanamo. Slimane Hadj Abderrahmane, a Danish citizen, was released from Guantanamo after being held for 747 days. In 2007 he was arrested in Denmark on suspicion of withdrawing $18,900 from other people's accounts using stolen debit cards and PIN codes.
(WSJ, 2/25/04, p.A1)(AP, 8/17/07)

2004 Mar 16, In Denmark police raided Copenhagen's famed hippie enclave of Christiania, detaining 53 people in a major crackdown on the open sale of hashish. The enclave took root in 1971 when dozens of hippies moved into the derelict 18th-century fort on state-owned land.
(AP, 3/16/04)

2004 Apr 11, Henrik Frandsen, a 35-year-old plumber from Copenhagen, was reported missing in Iraq. Iraqi police found his body the next day.
(AP, 4/21/04)

2004 Apr, Bjorn Lomborg (b.1965), Danish environmentalist, was named one of the 100 globally most influential people by Time magazine. In May he organized the Copenhagen Consensus, a list of priorities to make the world a better place. In 2006 he authored “Global Crises, Global Solutions.”
(Econ, 6/24/06, p.38)(

2004 May 14, In Copenhagen, Denmark, Australian Mary Donaldson married Danish Crown Prince Frederik, becoming Crown Princess Mary.
(AP, 5/14/04)

2004 Jun, The Danish government raised the fine for smoking hash in public to $90 and ordered clubs where it was smoked to be shut down.
(SSFC, 10/31/04, p.A3)

2004 Jul 1, Law 205 took effect in Denmark and required residents to register themselves and their homes with the government.
(SSFC, 10/31/04, p.A3)

2004 Jul 12, The Danish government upheld the clerical suspension of a Lutheran minister who proclaimed last year that there was no God or afterlife, and he now could be fired or fined for declaring his beliefs in the pulpit.
(AP, 7/12/04)

2004 Oct 4, The Denmark Science Ministry said it aims to show the North Pole belongs to Denmark and is sending an expedition to try to prove that the seabed there is a natural continuation of Danish territory.
(AP, 10/4/04)

2004 Oct, Some 10,000 people marched on Denmark’s parliament to protest Law 205.
(SSFC, 10/31/04, p.A3)

2005 Jan 1, Denmark was forecast for 2.5% GDP growth with a population at 5.4 million and GDP per head at $48,920.
(Econ, 1/8/05, p.87)
2005 Jan 1, Denmark’s PM Anders Fogh Rasmussen, in response to cartoons published by Jyllands-Posten depicting the prophet Muhammad, condemned in his new year’s speech any attempt to demonize groups of people on the basis of religion or ethnic background.
(Econ, 1/7/06, p.44)

2005 Jan 8, Hurricane-force winds swept across northern Europe, leaving at least 13 dead including 3 in Carlisle, England, 4 in Denmark and 6 in Sweden.
(AP, 1/9/05)

2005 Jan 15, Denmark’s waterfront opera house opened in Copenhagen. Arnold Maersk McKinney Moeller put up $440 million for the project.
(SFC, 4/17/12, p.C4)(

2005 Feb 8, Danes voted in parliamentary elections dominated by competing strategies for strengthening the country's cradle-to-grave welfare state and tightening immigration. Danes re-elected center-right PM Rasmussen for a 2nd term.
(AP, 2/8/05)(WSJ, 2/9/05, p.A1)

2005 May 4, The Danish government said that the mission of Denmark's 530 troops in southern Iraq would be extended until Feb 1.
(AP, 5/4/05)

2005 Jul 5, President Bush thanked Iraq war ally Denmark during a stopover in Copenhagen while en route to an international economic summit in Scotland.
(AP, 7/5/06)

2005 Aug 19, The Danish pump-making company Grundfos said that two of its employees accepted bribes from Iraqi officials under the United Nations' tainted oil-for-food program.
(AP, 8/20/05)

2005 Sep 30, The Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten published cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. Death threats against the artists soon followed with protest strikes in Kashmir, condemnation from Muslim leaders worldwide and even criticism from the UN. The paper refused to apologize for publishing the drawings, citing freedom of speech, a right cherished in this northern European country of 5.4 million, that also refused to prosecute an artist who depicted a crucified Jesus Christ with an erection. Kurt Westergaard created one of the cartoons, which featured the Prophet Muhammad with a bomb in his turban. In 2008 Westergaard offered to sell the cartoon. In 2009 Jytte Klausen authored “The Cartoons That Shook the World.”
(AP, 12/9/05)(WSJ, 2/29/08, p.A1)(Econ, 10/31/09, p.97)

2005 Oct 27, In Denmark 4 young Muslims were arrested for helping to supply weapons and explosives for a planned terror attack in Europe. They helped two main suspects in Bosnia get hold of weapons and explosives with the aim of committing a terror act. In 2007 a Danish court convicted Abdul Basit Abu-Lifa (17) and sentenced him to 7 years in jail. In 2008 Elias Ibn Hsain was acquitted on charges that he took part.
(AP, 8/24/06)(AP, 2/16/07)

2005 Denmark’s budget surplus hit 3.9% of GDP this year.
(Econ, 9/9/06, p.29)

2006 Jan 26, Saudi Arabia recalled its ambassador in Denmark to protest a published series of caricatures of the prophet Muhammad. Protests spread across the Muslim world for weeks, and dozens of people were killed.
(AP, 1/26/07)

2006 Jan 29, Denmark's PM said his government could not act against satirical cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed after Libya closed its embassy in Copenhagen amid growing Muslim anger over the dispute.
(Reuters, 1/29/06)

2006 Jan 30, The controversy over Danish caricatures of Prophet Muhammad escalated as gunmen seized an EU office in Gaza and Muslims appealed for a trade boycott of Danish products. Denmark called for its citizens in the Middle East to exercise vigilance. A roadside bomb targeted a joint Danish-Iraqi military patrol near the southern city of Basra.
(AP, 1/30/06)

2006 Feb 5, Thousands of Muslims rampaged in Beirut, setting fire to the Danish Embassy, burning Danish flags and lobbing stones at a Maronite Catholic church as violent protests spread over caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad.
(AP, 2/5/06)

2006 Feb 6, Analysts and companies said the boycott of Danish goods called by Islamic countries to protest the publication of Prophet Muhammad caricatures was costing Danish businesses more than $1 million a day.
(AP, 2/6/06)

2006 Feb 11, Denmark said it has temporarily withdrawn its ambassadors from Syria, Iran and Indonesia because their safety was at risk in the wake of a Danish newspaper's publication of drawings of the Prophet Muhammad.
(AP, 2/11/06)

2006 Feb 19, Almost five months after publishing 12 cartoons of the prophet to highlight what it described as self-censorship, Denmark’s Jyllands-Posten newspaper printed a full-page apology in a Saudi-owned pan-Arab newspaper.
(AFP, 2/19/06)

2006 Mar 23, A Danish soldier was killed by a roadside bomb in southern Iraq. He was the third Danish soldier to die in the conflict.
(AP, 3/23/06)

2006 Mar 29, A group of 27 Danish Muslim organizations have filed a defamation lawsuit against the newspaper that first published the caricatures of Islam's Prophet Muhammad.
(AP, 3/30/06)

2006 Apr 6, Cheese and butter from the Danish company Arla were back on supermarket shelves in Saudi Arabia after an Islamic group ended a boycott of the dairy producer sparked by Denmark's publication of drawings of the Prophet Muhammad.
(AP, 4/6/06)

2006 Aug 24, A Danish prosecutor charged four young Muslims with helping to supply weapons and explosives for a planned terror attack in Europe. The four men, arrested in Denmark last October 27, helped the two main suspects in Bosnia get hold of weapons and explosives with the aim of committing a terror act.
(AP, 8/24/06)

2006 Sep 5, Danish authorities said they foiled a serious terror plot with the arrest of nine men accused of preparing explosives for a planned attack in Denmark. The suspects were Danish citizens between the ages of 18 and 33. Eight of them had immigrant backgrounds. In 2007 a jury in Copenhagen handed down guilty verdicts to Mohammad Zaher (34), Ahmad Khaldhadi (22), and Abdallah Andersen (32). Riad Anwer Daabas (19) was acquitted. Zaher and Khaldhadi, described as the two most active, were each sentenced to 11 years in prison, while Andersen was given a four-year sentence.
(AP, 9/5/06)(AP, 11/24/07)

2006 Sep 24, In Copenhagen, Denmark, youths angered at a court decision to evict squatters from a downtown building hurled stones, bottles and eggs at police during a protest. More than 200 were detained.
(AP, 9/25/06)

2006 Oct 4, Professor Eugene Polzik and his team at the Niels Bohr Institute at Copenhagen University in Denmark reported a breakthrough in teleportation by using both light and matter.
(Reuters, 10/4/06)

2006 Dec 16, In Copenhagen, Denmark, police fired tear gas and detained up to 300 people after protesters attacked them with cobblestones and fireworks during a demonstration against the planned eviction of squatters from a downtown building.
(AP, 12/16/06)

2007 Jan 21, The Danish container ship Eleonora Maersk, one of the largest ships in the world, was officially registered.
(, 11/12/11, p.72)

2007 Feb 1, Ahmed Abu Laban (60), Denmark's most prominent Muslim leader and a central figure in last year's uproar over the Prophet Muhammad cartoons, died from cancer.
(AP, 2/3/07)

2007 Feb 5, A Cold War-era Soviet submarine that was being towed to Thailand sank off northwestern Denmark. The Soviet Union built more than 200 Whiskey-class submarines during the Cold War, many of which are now being offered for sale by private companies.
(AP, 2/6/07)

2007 Feb 21, Denmark’s PM Rasmussen said that his country will withdraw its 460-member contingent from southern Iraq by August and transfer security responsibilities to Iraqi forces.
(AP, 2/21/07)

2007 Mar 1, In Denmark dozens of people were arrested after angry protesters threw cobblestones at police when an anti-terror squad started a disputed eviction of squatters from a building in downtown Copenhagen.
(AP, 3/1/07)

2007 Mar 4, Copenhagen police arrested dozens of people in a third straight day of unrest triggered by the eviction of squatters from a disputed youth center.
(AP, 3/4/07)

2007 Mar 5, In Copenhagen, Denmark, demolition crews started tearing down a graffiti-sprayed brick building, prompting tears and cries of protest from youths whose eviction from the makeshift cultural center led to three nights of rioting. The Youth House served since 1982 as a popular cultural center for anarchists, punk rockers and left-wing groups. The squatters considered it free public housing, but courts ordered them out after the city sold the building to a Christian congregation. Ruth Evensen, leader of the small congregation that bought the Youth House in 2001, said the four-story structure had to be torn down because it was "a total wreck" and posed a fire hazard.
(AP, 3/5/07)(Econ, 3/10/07, p.48)

2007 Mar 14, In Denmark 7 people who raised money for Colombian guerrillas and Palestinian militants through T-shirt sales were charged under Denmark's anti-terror law.
(AP, 3/15/07)

2007 Apr 1, Danish researchers reported that they have isolated bacterial enzymes that effectively remove sugar molecules from red blood cells that provoke an immune reactions. This would allow conversion of the A, B, and AB blood types into Type O, the universal donor type that can be given to anyone.
(SFC, 4/2/07, p.A2)

2007 Apr 10, Peter Brixtofte (57), the free-spending Danish mayor of Hilleroed (1986-2002), was convicted of abusing his office and sentenced to two years in prison. He had became hugely popular for offering free vacations to retirees and computers to school children.
(AP, 4/10/07)

2007 May 15, In Denmark hundreds of black-clad youths clashed with police in Copenhagen, barricading streets and setting fire to cars to protest the demolition of a building in the free-wheeling Christiania district.
(AP, 5/15/07)

2007 Jun 23, Authorities said an outbreak of distemper has been killing seal pups off the coast of Denmark, warning that thousands of seals could die if the disease spreads to other northern European countries.
(AP, 6/23/07)

2007 Jun 29, Germany and Denmark agreed to build an 11-mile bridge spanning the waters between the two nations and cut travel times between Scandinavia and central Europe.
(AP, 6/29/07)

2007 Jul 27, Victor Frunza (72), a Romanian anti-communist dissident and writer, died in Denmark of a heart attack. He was forced to leave Romania in 1980 after writing a letter critical of the communist regime led by dictator Nicolae Ceausescu. While in Romania, Frunza secretly wrote a history of communism in the country that was published in Denmark in 1984. He also wrote essays championing human rights and published a political magazine.
(AP, 7/30/07)

2007 Aug 1, Denmark, France and Indonesia offered to contribute to a joint UN-African Union mission for Darfur, a 26,000-strong force expected to be made up mostly of peacekeepers from Africa with backup from Asian troops. Sudan accepted a UN resolution approving a joint African Union-UN peacekeeping force in Darfur.
(AP, 8/1/07)(AFP, 8/1/07)

2007 Aug 5, The last men of a Danish battalion of 450 ground troops left Iraq.
(AFP, 8/7/07)

2007 Aug 10, Denmark was reported to be planning a monthlong expedition, to begin Aug 12, to seek evidence that the Lomonosov Ridge, a 1,240-mile underwater mountain range, is attached to the Danish territory of Greenland, making it a geological extension of the Arctic island.
(AP, 8/10/07)

2007 Aug 22, Denmark's government said Somali pirates released the crew of a hijacked Danish cargo ship after receiving a ransom payment.
(AP, 8/22/07)

2007 Sep 2, In Copenhagen, Denmark, a protest by hundreds of youth activists turned violent, with protesters setting fire to street barricades and cars and smashing shop windows. Officers used tear gas to disperse the crowd. The unrest started after a demonstration the previous day commemorating the Youth House, a makeshift cultural center for the city's anarchists and disaffected youth that was demolished in March.
(AP, 9/2/07)

2007 Sep 4, Denmark's intelligence service arrested eight Islamic militants linked to leading al-Qaida figures, and said the suspects were plotting an attack involving explosives.
(AP, 9/4/07)

2007 Sep 26, Transparency International's 2007 index ranked Myanmar and Somalia as the most corrupt nations. Both received the lowest score of 1.4 out of 10. Denmark, Finland and New Zealand were ranked the least corrupt, each scoring 9.4.
(AP, 9/26/07)

2007 Oct 5, Chinese medical officials agreed not to transplant organs from prisoners or others in custody, except into members of their immediate families. The agreement was reached at a meeting of the World Medical Association in Copenhagen.
(AP, 10/6/07)

2007 Nov 13, Voting began in Denmark's national election, with polls showing that the center-right government needs a new ally to stay in power despite a strong economy and low unemployment. Danes re-elected the governing coalition to a third term, endorsing its economic and tough immigration policies. Fogh Rasmussen’s blue block won 90 seats, just enough for a majority. The New Alliance Party of Naser Khader won just 5 seats. Pia Kjaersgaard’s far-right Danish People’s party won 25 seats.
(AP, 11/13/07)(Econ, 11/17/07, p.59)

2007 Nov 29, In Afghanistan 2 Danish soldiers were killed in a gunbattle with the Taliban. They were part of a Danish reconnaissance unit that came under fire in Gereshk Valley in Helmand Province. Denmark has some 600 troops in Helmand province that are part of NATO's 40,000-member force in Afghanistan.
(AP, 11/30/07)

2008 Feb 12, Danish police said they have arrested three people suspected of plotting to kill one of the 12 cartoonists behind the Prophet Muhammad drawings that sparked a deadly uproar in the Muslim world two years ago.
(AP, 2/12/08)

2007 Global wind power amounted to about 1,200 megawatts with Denmark accounting for about a third and Britain in 2nd place with 400 megawatts.
(WSJ, 11/29/07, p.B2)

2008 Feb 15, In northern Copenhagen gangs of rioters set fire to cars and garbage trucks, the sixth night of rioting and vandalism that has spread from the capital to other Danish cities.
(Reuters, 2/16/08)

2008 Mar 31, A clash in southern Afghanistan killed a Danish soldier and wounded two others. A separate attack on a NATO patrol killed two British troops. an airstrike killed three men irrigating land close to a road in Kandahar province. The men may have been mistaken for militants planting roadside bombs. In Helmand province police arrested Mullah Naqibullah, a senior Taliban commander who has escaped twice from Afghan prisons. Naqibullah was nabbed during a clash that left three insurgents dead.
(AP, 3/31/08)(AP, 4/1/08)

2008 Jun 2, In Pakistan a huge car bomb exploded outside the Danish Embassy in Islamabad, killing at least six people and wounding dozens more. Danish security said that al-Qaida or an al-Qaida-related group likely was behind the attack.
(AP, 6/2/08)

2008 Jul 25, In southern Afghanistan a Danish soldier died in a roadside bomb attack. The death brings the number of Danish troops killed in Afghanistan since 2001 to 15. 3 Taliban militants died in a fight with police in the Gereshk district of Helmand province.
(AP, 7/25/08)

2008 Aug 25, The Danish central bank said it has taken over Roskilde Bank, the nation's 10th largest bank. The 124-year-old institution had been struggling amid global financial turmoil and mounting losses on mortgage loans as housing prices fell in Denmark.
(AP, 8/25/08)

2008 Oct 6, European governments struggled to find a coordinated approach to the crisis sweeping financial markets, as Denmark became the latest country to guarantee bank deposits, putting more pressure on Britain and other countries to follow.
(AP, 10/6/08)

2008 Oct 21, In Denmark Hammad Khuershid, a Danish citizen of Pakistani origin, and Abdoulghani Tokhi, an Afghan, were convicted of preparing a terrorist attack. They were secretly filmed mixing the type of explosive used in the 2005 London transit bombing. They were arrested in the Copenhagen area in September 2007. Khuershid and Tokhi were sentenced to 12 and seven years in prison, respectively.
(AP, 10/21/08)

2008 Nov 7, Pirates near Somalia hijacked a Danish cargo ship with 13 crew members, which consisted of Russians and Ukrainians. The CEC Future was released on January 16 following a ransom payment by Clipper Projects.
(AP, 11/8/08)(AP, 1/16/09)

2008 Nov 29, Joern Utzon (b.1918), the Danish architect who designed the iconic Sydney Opera House (1957), died. In 2003 Utzon won the Pritzker prize.
(AP, 11/29/08)(Econ, 12/13/08, p.104)

2008 Dec 4, The Danish navy intercepted and sunk a suspected pirate vessel drifting off Somalia. 7 men were handed over to authorities in Yemen but were not immediately suspected of any crime.
(AP, 12/5/08)
2008 Dec 4, In Afghanistan 2 Danish soldiers serving with NATO's force were killed in southern Helmand province. The governor of Afghanistan's key southern Kandahar province said he was sacked by the central government and complained that powerful people in his region had been sabotaging his work. US-led troops killed four militants in Helmand province, after the insurgents fired on a joint US-Afghan patrol.
(AFP, 12/4/08)(AP, 12/4/08)(AP, 12/5/08)

2008 Dec 6, In Denmark "Gomorra," a movie by Italian director Matteo Garrone about Naples' criminal underworld, won the best film prize at the 21st annual European Film Awards.
(AP, 12/6/08)

2008 Dec 11, As Greece suffered through its sixth day of violence, there were troubling signs of unrest spreading across Europe. Angry youths smashed shop windows, attacked banks and hurled bottles at police in small but violent protests in Spain and Denmark, while cars were set alight outside a consulate in France.
(AP, 12/11/08)

2008 Dec 16, The central banks of Sweden and Denmark came to the aid of Latvia with currency swap agreements. This enabled the Bank of Latvia, to borrow as much as €500 million.
(WSJ, 12/17/08, p.C2)
2008 Dec 16, Stein Bagger, Danish business executive, was sent back to Denmark from the US, where he had surrendered following the exposure of an estimated $185 swindle in his firm, IT Factory.
(WSJ, 12/17/08, p.A1)

2008 Dec 19, Three Danish soldiers and one from the Netherlands were killed in separate incidents in Afghanistan, losing their lives just as the commitment of some countries to the fight in Afghanistan begins to wane.
(AP, 12/19/08)

2008 Dec 31, In Denmark a gunman shot and wounded two Israelis working at the Rosengaard mall in Odense. Police son arrested a 27-year-old Dane born in Lebanon of Palestinian parents.
(AP, 1/1/09)(AP, 1/2/09)

2009 Jan 15, Denmark's central bank lowered its key interest rate by 0.75 to 3 percent.
(AP, 1/15/09)

2009 Jan 18, Denmark said it is expanding its financial rescue package by lending the country’s banks and mortgage $17.8 billion.
(SFC, 1/19/09, p.D1)

2009 Feb 23, Denmark seized control of Fionia Bank A/S by injecting about $172 million in a deal that will take away shareholder control and split the bank into two parts until a sale can be realized. The bank was hit by mounting losses on bad loans to property developers.
(WSJ, 2/24/09, p.C2)

2009 Feb 25, Danish and Chinese warships stopped pirates attacking two different vessels off Somalia's coast.
(AP, 2/26/09)

2009 Apr 5, In Denmark Lars Lokke Rasmussen (b.1964) began serving as prime minister.

2009 May 26, In Denmark business leaders attending the World Business Summit on Climate Change urged governments to order steep and mandatory cuts in greenhouse gases, favoring a cap-and-trade system instead of a tax to set a market price for carbon waste.
(AP, 5/26/09)
2009 May 26, A Danish court ruled that residents of Copenhagen's counterculture Christiania neighborhood have no right to use the former navy base they took over in 1971. The residents planned to appeal.
(AP, 5/26/09)

2009 Jun 17, In southern Afghanistan 3 Danish soldiers were when a bomb exploded as their vehicle passed down Highway 1 heading toward the town of Barakhzai in Helmand province.
(AFP, 6/17/09)

2009 Jun 21, In China the Danish-Swedish comedy “Original,” about mental illness, won the best picture at the 12th Shanghai International Film Festival. It also took the best actor award for lead Sverrir Gudnason.
(AFP, 6/22/09)

2009 Jun 24, Denmark's Post Danmark A/S and Sweden's Posten AB merged to form the new holding company Posten Norden AB in the industry’s first-ever cross border tie up.
(Econ, 10/31/09, p.74)(

2009 Aug 3, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, a former Danish prime minister, took office as NATO's new secretary-general. He said his top priorities would be guiding the war in Afghanistan to a successful conclusion, repairing ties with Russia, and expanding NATO's partnership with moderate nations in North Africa and the Middle East.
(AP, 8/3/09)

2009 Aug 28, Denmark announced the 5 winners of its biennial Index design awards. The winners included:, of the SF Bay Area for bringing money and intellectual capital to the working poor; Better Place, of the SF Bay Area for a clean energy system for all-electric cars; the Freeplay fetal heart rate monitor; Philip Design for its India-team designed safe kitchen stove for one-room homes; and Rotterdam-based Pig 05049 for its list of 185 good and bad products made from a single pig.
(SFC, 8/29/09, p.E1)

2009 Sep 21, A Danish court rejected the military's request to stop a book by a former special forces soldier from being published. Denmark's armed forces had asked the Bailiff's Court in Copenhagen to ban Thomas Rathsack's book, "Ranger: At War With the Elite," for national security reasons. It describes operations that he took part in as a member of an army ranger unit in Afghanistan and Iraq.
(AP, 9/21/09)

2009 Sep 24, In Vietnam 9 North Koreans took refuge in Denmark's embassy in Hanoi seeking political asylum and passage to Seoul. On Oct 20 they left the mission and were on their way to South Korea.
(Reuters, 10/20/09)(SFC, 9/25/09, p.A2)

2009 Oct 2, In Denmark the IOC opened a meeting hearing the cases led by government leaders and kings to win the right to stage the 2016 Olympic Games. US Pres. Obama spoke for Chicago, Japan's new PM Yukio Hatoyama spoke for Tokyo, Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva spoke for Rio de Janeiro, and Spain's King Juan Carlos and PM Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero spoke for Spain. Brazil won the bid.
(AFP, 10/2/09)(AP, 10/3/09)
2009 Oct 2, President Barack Obama, while in Copenhagen, met with General Stanley McChrystal, the top commander of US and NATO troops in Afghanistan, for the first time since McChrystal presented a grim assessment of the war effort and requesting more troops.
(Reuters, 10/2/09)

2009 Oct 23, In southern Afghanistan 2 US soldiers were killed by a home-made bomb. A Danish soldier lost his life in clashes with Taliban-led insurgents in the same region.
(AFP, 10/24/09)

2009 Dec 3, In Somalia a male suicide bomber dressed as a woman attacked a university graduation ceremony in a small part of Mogadishu still under government control, killing 24 people, including three Cabinet ministers and three journalists. The president of Benadir University said 43 students were taking part in the graduation ceremony at the Shamo Hotel. The bomber was later reported to be a Danish citizen of Somali descent.
(AP, 12/3/09)(AP, 12/4/09)(AP, 12/10/09)

2009 Dec 7, In Denmark the largest and most important UN climate change conference in history opened in Copenhagen, with organizers warning diplomats from 192 nations that this could be the last best chance for a deal to protect the world from calamitous global warming. This was the 15th conference of the parties to the 1992 UNFCCC in Rio de Janeiro.
(AP, 12/7/09)(Econ, 12/5/09, SR p.3)

2009 Dec 11, EU leaders agreed to commit euro2.4 billion ($3.6 billion) a year until 2012 to help poorer countries combat global warming, as they sought to rescue their image as climate change innovators and bolster the talks in Copenhagen. A new draft agreement at the climate talks pulled together the main elements of a global pact but left gaping holes on financing and cutting greenhouse gas emissions for world leaders to fill in next week.
(AP, 12/11/09)

2009 Dec 12, In Denmark violence broke out in Copenhagen as tens of thousands took to the streets to demand tough measures on climate change, with demonstrators around the world rallying for action instead of words.
(AFP, 12/12/09)

2009 Dec 14, In Denmark China, India and other developing nations boycotted UN climate talks, bringing negotiations to a halt with their demand that rich countries discuss much deeper cuts in their greenhouse gas emissions. Representatives from 135 developing countries said they refused to participate in any formal working groups at the 192-nation summit until the issue was resolved. African nations agreed to resume UN climate talks in Copenhagen after a half-day suspension, accusing rich countries of trying to kill the existing Kyoto Protocol.
(AP, 12/14/09)(Reuters, 12/14/09)

2009 Dec 16, In Denmark police fired pepper spray and beat protesters with batons outside the UN climate conference, as disputes inside left major issues unresolved just two days before world leaders hope to sign a historic agreement to fight global warming.
(AP, 12/16/09)

2009 Dec 17, In Copenhagen US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton sought to put new life into flagging UN climate talks by announcing the US would join others in raising $100 billion a year by 2020 to help poorer nations cope with global warming.
(AP, 12/17/09)

2009 Dec 19, In Denmark the 13-day UN climate conference ended. It narrowly escaped collapse by agreeing to recognize a political accord brokered by President Barack Obama with China and other emerging powers. The US supported the idea that, by 2020, $100 billion should be flowing from the north to the south every year to pay for emissions reduction and climate adaptation. A small group of nations blocked the Copenhagen Accord, because it lacked specific targets for reducing carbon emissions. After a break, the conference president gaveled the decision to "take note" of the agreement instead of formally approving it. Experts said that clears the way for the accord to become operational in practice even though it has not been formally approved by the conference. Several developing countries, including Bolivia, Cuba, Sudan and Venezuela, bitterly protested the deal and said it is unacceptable because it lacks specific targets for reducing carbon emissions.
(AP, 12/19/09)(SSFC, 12/20/09, p.A1)(Econ, 10/30/10, p.79)

2010 Jan 1, In Denmark Muhudiin Mohamed Geele (29), a Somali man armed with an axe and suspected of links with al Qaeda, broke into the home of Kurt Westergaard (74), a Danish cartoonist, whose drawings of the Prophet Mohammad caused global Muslim outrage. The attacker, who was shot and wounded by police, was charged the next day with two counts of attempted murder. On Feb 3, 2011, Geele was convicted of terrorism. The next day he was sentenced to 9 years in prison to be followed by permanent expulsion.
(Reuters, 1/2/10)(AP, 2/3/11)(Reuters, 2/4/11)

2010 Jan 28, Denmark's government said that face-covering Muslim veils don't belong in Danish society but no ban is needed because their use can be limited under existing rules.
(AP, 1/28/10)

2010 Feb 5, Danish special forces disrupted the takeover by Somali pirates of the cargo ship Ariella in the Gulf of Aden. A frogmen unit scaled the sides of the ship using grappling hooks, secured the bridge, released the crew and then launched an hours-long search for a pirate the crew had seen.
(AP, 2/5/10)

2010 Feb 23, Denmark's PM Lars Loekke Rasmussen (45) announced a major government shake-up, changing more than a dozen Cabinet posts including the ministers of defense, justice and foreign affairs to build his own team 10 months after taking office.
(AP, 2/23/10)

2010 Feb 26, The Danish daily Politiken newspaper apologized for offending Muslims by reprinting a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad with a bomb-shaped turban, rekindling heated debate about the limits of freedom of speech.
(AP, 2/26/10)

2010 Apr 8, In Denmark scores of Carlsberg brewery workers walked off the job after the company tightened rules on workplace drinking. A new policy only allowed them to drink beer during lunch in the canteen.
(SFC, 4/9/10, p.A2)

2010 May 27, Danish container shipping and oil group A.P. Moller-Maersk A/S said it has sold its British supermarket chain Netto to Wal-Mart subsidiary Asda Stores Ltd. for 778 million pounds ($1.1 billion).
(AP, 5/27/10)

2010 Jul 8, In Norway 2 suspected al-Qaida members were arrested for what Norwegian and US officials said was a terrorist plot linked to similar plans to bomb New York's subway and blow up a shopping mall in England. A 3rd suspect was arrested in Germany. Authorities later said the ringleader of the plot is Mikael Davud (39), an Uighur who came to Norway in 1999 as part of a UN refugee program and then became a Norwegian citizen eight years later. Davud was arrested along with suspected accomplices Shawan Sadek Saeed Bujak Bujak, an Iraqi Kurd (37), and Uzbek national, David Jakobsen (31). Norwegian and Danish police later said the 3 were likely planning an attack against a Danish newspaper that caricatured the Prophet Muhammad.
(AP, 7/8/10)(AP, 8/29/10)(AP, 9/28/10)

2010 Sep 8, German Chancellor Angela Merkel praised the bravery of illustrator Kurt Westergaard (75), a Danish cartoonist who caricatured the Prophet Muhammad, at an award ceremony honoring his achievements for freedom of speech.
(AP, 9/9/10)

2010 Sep 10, Danish police surrounded a suspect in Orsted Park near the Hotel Jorgensen following a small explosion in a bathroom at the hotel. A bomb squad removed a bag wrapped around his waist with remote controlled cutting pliers. The man was later identified as Lors Doukayev, a one-legged Chechen-born boxer living in Belgium. On May 3, 2011, Doukayev was charged with terrorism for allegedly preparing a letter bomb that had likely been intended for a newspaper known for publishing cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. On May 30, 2011, Doukayev was convicted of attempted terrorism. The next day he was sentenced to 12 years.
(Reuters, 9/12/10)(AP, 9/15/10)(AP, 5/3/11)(AP, 5/30/11)(Reuters, 5/31/11)

2010 Sep 20, Saudi Arabia’s Shura Council voted 62 to 56 against a memorandum of understanding on bilateral consultations with Denmark after several members expressed unhappiness over the publication of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in a Danish newspaper.
(AFP, 9/21/10)

2010 Sep 30, In Denmark Flemming Rose's "The Tyranny of Silence," a book on the crisis sparked by a Danish newspaper's publication of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed five years ago, hit stores in amid concerns over a backlash from the Muslim world.
(AFP, 9/30/10)

2010 Oct 9, A 650-foot Lithuanian-flagged ferry was ablaze in the Baltic Sea after an explosion on the upper deck. Firefighting ships sprayed the vessel with water to keep it from breaking apart and spilling some 170 tons of fuel. 249 people aboard were rescued by six ships that moved in to help after the explosion on the Lisco Gloria around midnight. A four-person team was lowered to the ferry by helicopter and managed to anchor the vessel off the southern tip of the Danish island Langeland to keep it from drifting farther ashore.
(AP, 10/9/10)

2010 Oct 26, An annual report by Transparency Int’l. marked Somalia as the most corrupt county in the world, followed by Afghanistan, Myanmar and Iraq. Denmark, New Zealand and Singapore tied as the world’s least corrupt nations. The US declined to 22nd from 19th last year.
(SFC, 10/27/10, p.A2)

2010 Dec 23, It was reported that the first pill designed to curb a person’s urge to have more than a few drinks of alcohol was undergoing tests in Europe. The drug (nalmafene) was developed by H. Lundbeck A/S in Valby, Denmark.
(SFC, 12/23/10, p.A2)

2010 Dec 29, In Denmark 4 men planning to shoot as many people as possible in a building housing the newsroom of a paper that published cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad were arrested in an operation that halted an imminent attack. The 4 were Swedish residents, a Tunisian (44), a Lebanese-born man (29), an Iraqi asylum seeker, and a 30-year-old whose national origin was not released. Police in Stockholm arrested a Swedish citizen of Tunisian origin, suspected of being linked to the plot. Denmark freed the Iraqi suspect the next day due to an apparent lack of evidence. The trial of Munir Awad, Omar Abdalla Aboelazm, Mounir Ben Mohamed Dhahri and Sabhi Ben Mohamed Zalouti opened on April 13, 2012.
(AP, 12/29/10)(AP, 12/30/10)(AP, 4/13/12)

2010 Gunnar Wetterberg, Swedish historian, authored “The Nordic Federal State,” which proposed a pan-Nordic federation to unite Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden under a single monarch: Denmark’s Queen Margrethe.
(Econ, 11/6/10, p.66)

2011 Jan 28, A Danish warship rescued two men who escaped from pirates off the coast of East Africa. The men were among several crew members who attempted to shake their captors two days after their ship, the MV Beluga Nomination, was hijacked.
(AP, 1/28/11)

2011 Feb 9, Danish police arrested a 44-year-old man after he allegedly shot and killed his three children and attempted to commit suicide.
(AP, 2/9/11)

2011 Feb 18, The Danish Supreme Court gave the government the green light to take control of Christiania, a largely self-governing Copenhagen neighborhood that was occupied by hippies four decades ago.
(AP, 2/18/11)

2011 Feb 21, Danish shipper Maersk announced the order of 10 colossal container ships from South Korea’s Daewoo Shipbuilding.
(Econ, 2/26/11, p.73)

2011 Feb 24, Somali pirates captured a sailboat carrying Danish couple Jan Quist Johansen his wife Birgit Marie and three children (12-16), along with two adult crew members, also Danes. All seven were released on September 6.
(AP, 3/1/11)(AP, 9/7/11)

2011 Mar 10, Forces from Somalia’s northern region of Puntland failed in a rescue attempt of a Danish family and 2 crew members. 5 soldiers were killed.
(SFC, 3/12/11, p.A2)

2011 Mar 19, Six Danish F-16 fighter jets landed at the US air base in Sigonella, Sicily, and a half-dozen US aircraft arrived elsewhere as the military buildup mounted in Italy for possible action against Libya.
(AP, 3/19/11)

2011 Apr 2, A Danish assault team backed by helicopters freed 16 Pakistanis and 2 Iranians held by suspected Somali pirates.
(SFC, 4/12/11, p.A2)

2011 Apr 14, Denmark's foreign minister said she will urge US states such as Texas and Ohio to stop using a drug produced by a Danish company in lethal injections. Lene Espersen said she cannot take direct action against the company that produces pentobarbital because the drug is not exported from Denmark. It is produced by a plant in Kansas that is owned by Denmark's Lundbeck A/S. Britain announced it was banning the export of three such drugs to the United States.
(AP, 4/14/11)

2011 Apr 30, In Denmark the 900 residents of the Christiania hippie enclave in Copenhagen announced they had agreed in principle to a deal that will allow them to collectively buy the former naval base they first occupied four decades ago.
(AP, 4/30/11)

2011 May 11, Denmark’s government agreed to reintroduce custom checks at Danish borders.
(Econ, 5/14/11, p.68)

2011 Jun, A Danish convicted Harry Larsen of a number of abuses, including using a baseball bat and metal bars to beat some of his family's nine children, and raping two of its teenage daughters. In its sentence, that court said he should be sent to a mental health facility. On Dec 15 an appeals court overturned the ruling and sentenced him to 11 years in prison.
(AP, 12/15/11)

2011 Jul 1, Denmark approved a decision to re-establish permanent customs checkpoints at its borders, removing the last hurdle to a plan aimed at stopping crime and illegal immigration but which has been strongly criticized in Europe as violating visa-free travel rules.
(AP, 7/1/11)
2011 Jul 1, Danish pharmaceutical company Lundbeck Inc. said it will demand that US distributors sign an agreement stating that they will not make the sedative pentobarbital available for prisons using it for lethal injections.
(SFC, 7/2/11, p.A2)

2011 Jul 5, Denmark started a controversial plan to boost customs checks on its borders, deploying 50 additional customs officers at crossings with Germany and Sweden.
(AP, 7/5/11)

2011 Aug 30, In Denmark a man was shot dead and two others are injured after a shooting outside a Copenhagen mosque following prayers to mark the end of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan.
(AP, 8/30/11)

2011 Sep 15, Danish voters appeared set to elect their first female prime minister and end 10 years of pro-market reforms and a hardening of immigration laws. Polls predicted a majority in the 179-seat Parliament for the left-leaning opposition led by Social Democratic leader Helle Thorning-Schmidt.
(AP, 9/15/11)

2011 Sep 29, A Danish court sentenced 15 motorbike gang members to jail for six murder attempts on rival gang members. Copenhagen's city court ruled earlier this month that members of the Hells Angels and their support group, AK81, were guilty of a series of shootings in the Danish capital in 2009.
(AP, 9/29/11)

2011 Oct 1, Denmark imposed a “fat tax” on foods such as butter and oil as a way to curb unhealthy eating habits. The tariff on saturated fats was abolished in November 2012.
(SFC, 10/3/11, p.A2)(Econ, 11/17/12, p.52)

2011 Oct 3, In Denmark PM Helle Thorning-Schmidt (b.1966) took office. Her government soon scrapped renewed customs checks at its border with Germany.
(AP, 11/17/11)(

2011 Oct 17, British security group G4S agreed to buy Denmark-based facilities company ISS for £5.2 billion, creating the world's largest security and facilities firm.
(AFP, 10/17/11)

2011 Oct 24, In Denmark fashion icon Margit Brandt (66) died. Her simple cuts and 1960s miniskirts marked one of the first international breakthroughs for Danish designs.
(AP, 10/24/11)

2011 Oct 25, In northern Somalia gunmen kidnapped a female American aid worker (32) and a Danish man (60), working for the Danish Demining Group. Their Somali colleague was placed under police custody.
(AP, 10/25/11)(AP, 10/26/11)

2011 Oct 29, In Denmark Axel Axgil (96), whose struggle for gay rights helped make Denmark the first country to legalize same-sex partnerships, died in Copenhagen.
(AP, 10/30/11)

2011 Nov 3, Ivar Noergaard (89), former Danish Economy Minister, died. He had negotiated his country's 1973 entry into the European Union.
(AP, 11/4/11)

2011 Dec 16, Europol said police have arrested 112 people in 22 countries after a yearlong investigation into child pornography, warning that technology is making combating the spread of child abuse images ever more difficult. The investigation, code named "Operation Icarus," was carried out under the leadership of Danish police, due to Danish expertise in analyzing the peer-to-peer networks that were used to share files.
(AP, 12/16/11)

2011 Dec 19, In Denmark the Copenhagen City Court ruled that Marcel Lychau Hansen had strangled 73-year-old Edith Louise Andrup in 1987 and 40-year-old Lene Buchardt Rasmussen three years later. The court also found him guilty of raping three teenagers and a 23-year-old woman in 1995 and two women in 2005 and 2010, respectively.
(AP, 12/19/11)

2012 Jan 3, The US Justice Dept. said Maersk, a Danish shipping company, will pay $31.9 million for overcharging the US government for shipments to US troops in Afghanistan and Iraq for several years.
(SFC, 1/4/12, p.D1)

2012 Jan 7, The Danish navy captured a suspect pirate mothership off the Horn of Africa. They arrested 25 suspected pirates and freed 14 people from Iran and Pakistan.
(AP, 1/8/12)

2012 Feb 27, Off Somalia's coast, 2 hostages were killed as the Danish warship HDMS Absalon intercepted a cargo vessel that had been hijacked by pirates. 17 suspected pirates were found along with 18 hostages. In July Danish military prosecutors say a Danish soldier "very likely" caused the death of the two hostages, but that the soldier would not be prosecuted since anti-pirate operations are inherently fraught with deadly risks.
(AP, 2/28/12)(AP, 7/3/12)

2012 Mar 2, Danish prosecutors charged four people with terrorism for allegedly planning a shooting attack on a newspaper that had printed cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. The 4 men from Sweden were arrested on Dec 29, 2010.
(AP, 12/30/10)(AP, 3/2/12)

2012 Mar 16, In Denmark a psychiatric patient (47) stabbed a doctor and two nurses at the at Odense University Hospital, then surrendered after a 10-hour standoff with police. The doctor and one of the nurses were in critical condition.
(AP, 3/16/12)

2012 Apr 11, The Danish navy stopped a pirate ship off the Somali coast, rescuing 12 Iranian and Pakistani hostages and arresting their 16 captors.
(AFP, 4/12/12)

2012 Apr 16, In Denmark Arnold Maersk McKinney Moeller (98), the country’s richest man, died. He turned two small shipping companies that his father had created into a global giant with 108,000 workers across 130 countries.
(SFC, 4/17/12, p.C4)

2012 Apr 27, Denmark's intelligence service said 3 men have been arrested in Copenhagen on suspicion of plotting a terror attack after police found them with automatic weapons and ammunition.
(AP, 4/27/12)

2012 May 28, Two Danish brothers originally from Somalia were arrested on suspicion of plotting a terror attack. The men were charged with receiving training with the aim of committing an act of terror, in what were the first known terror-trained suspects in Denmark.
(AP, 5/29/12)

2012 Jun 4, In Denmark the Glostrup City Court handed down prison sentences to Mounir Ben Mohamed Dhahri, Munir Awad, Omar Abdalla Aboelazm, and Sabhi Ben Mohamed Zalouti. The 4 men, arrested on Dec 29 2010, had planned a shooting spree at the office of a Danish newspaper that published cartoons of the prophet Muhammed were found guilty of terrorism and sentenced each to 12 years in prison.
(AP, 6/4/12)

2012 Jun 7, Denmark's Parliament approved a law allowing same-sex couples to get married in formal church weddings, effective June 15, instead of the short blessing ceremonies that the state's Lutheran Church currently offers.
(AP, 6/7/12)

2012 Jun 26, Denmark police said Attan Shansonga, a former Zambian ambassador to the United States wanted in his home country on charges of corruption, has been arrested. He was arrested by the Zambian Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) in 2002 and charged with the theft of public funds, but fled for Britain in 2004.
(AFP, 6/26/12)

2012 Jun 29, Denmark decided to extradite to Rwanda Emmanuel Mbarushimana, a man suspected of being involved in the country's 1994 genocide.
(AP, 6/29/12)

2012 Jun, In Mozambique Danish biotech giant Novozymes led a scheme under the Cleanstar name whereby Mozambican farmers sell surplus cassava that is converted to ethanol at a new facility near the central port city of Beira. The fuel is then shipped to Maputo, where Cleanstar sells new gas operated stoves. Some 200 stoves were sold in the first month and another 3,000 were on order.
(AFP, 6/9/12)

2012 Jul 5, In Panama the International Whaling Commission rejected a request from Denmark for a whaling quota for indigenous groups in Greenland. Two days earlier it approved the renewal of bowhead whale quotas for indigenous subsistence whaling in Alaska and Russia and for St. Vincent and the Grenadines in the Caribbean. The United States says it doesn't support a South Korean plan to restart whale hunting for purportedly scientific purposes.
(AP, 7/6/12)

2012 In northern Denmark Michael Stokbro Larsen (16) found Viking-era coins and other items with a metal detector in a field. The coins displayed a distinctive cross motif attributed to Norse King Harald Bluetooth, who is believed to have brought Christianity to Norway and Denmark.
(AP, 5/16/13)

2013 Jan 3, Coalition military officials in Afghanistan said an elite Danish soldier was killed overnight by an explosive device.
(AP, 1/3/13)

2013 Apr 10, A Danish man (31) was acquitted of molesting two 17-year-old girls after he was found to suffer from a rare sleep disorder known as "sexsomnia."
(AP, 4/12/13)

2013 Apr 28, A fire blazed through The Museum of Danish Resistance in Copenhagen, destroying large parts of the building but most of the collection was saved.
(AP, 4/28/13)

2013 Jun 18, Vincent Clerc of the Copenhagen-based company's shipping unit said MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company S.A. and CMA CGM of France, the world's three biggest shipping container operators, will form the P3 alliance with Maersk Line.
(AP, 6/18/13)

Dernière édition par Danmark / Søren le Dim 30 Mar - 11:55, édité 2 fois
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Vatican / Octavius S.

Vatican / Octavius S.

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Danemark | Il y a quelque chose de pourri au royaume du Danemark. (Hamlet I, 4) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Danemark | Il y a quelque chose de pourri au royaume du Danemark. (Hamlet I, 4)   Danemark | Il y a quelque chose de pourri au royaume du Danemark. (Hamlet I, 4) EmptyDim 15 Déc - 22:59

Je confirme pour le titre et sinon bravo pour la timeline
Tu envoies du rêve, toi et ta langue imprononçable.
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Danemark / Søren

Danemark / Søren

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MessageSujet: Re: Danemark | Il y a quelque chose de pourri au royaume du Danemark. (Hamlet I, 4)   Danemark | Il y a quelque chose de pourri au royaume du Danemark. (Hamlet I, 4) EmptyDim 15 Déc - 23:01

C'ta mère qu'est pourrie.

Et au moins, je sais m'en servir de ma langue. M'enfin, je dis ça ...
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Danemark / Søren

Danemark / Søren

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Auto-validation royale. ♥
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Danemark | Il y a quelque chose de pourri au royaume du Danemark. (Hamlet I, 4)

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